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Today's New Top 40 Songs
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Author:  jamkaraoke [ Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Today's New Top 40 Songs

The last few days I've been listening to some Top40 music to see whats "hot" for my dj/filler music and eventually karaoke purchases.
I've noticed a few songs that I really like and would like to eventually attempt to sing KARAOKE when released.

The problem is this…. Half the song is SUNG and I really like the melody which seems to be in my range and taste.
The other half is a catchy HIP HOP type of RAP thingy…… Which I KNOW I CAN'T DO lol

One song as an example - BILLIONAIRE by Travie McCoy and the other was YOUNG FOREVER by Jay Z
Both a mixure of song and hip hop

Have you come across songs like these ?

Author:  leopard lizard [ Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Today's New Top 40 Songs

Depending on the manufacturer, some of them put in the rap part so you don't have to do it yourself. Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" comes to mind. But then you are left standing up there so you either have to lip sync it for a joke or, in the case of Lady Gaga, my boyfriend pretends to do it. We actually had some people ask us how we put the effects on his voice so realistically.

You could probably do it yourself and it might be good comic relief. I'm learning a Pitbull song that the bar tendress wanted to have done but I'm rewriting the rap sections to be about the bar because there is no way I could pull the real thing off with credibility myself (being female and all).

Author:  rogerniner [ Fri Apr 16, 2010 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Today's New Top 40 Songs

I always put a call out on my message boards for people who know those parts to come to my shows and sing them with me. Announce that you are wanting to di that song, and if anyone knows the rap part to do it with you!

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