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Best Anti-Virus
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Author:  BlueRose [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Best Anti-Virus

[font=Verdana] What is the best anti-virus program for Windows XP Pro with sp2 . I would appreciate some input from fellow members. Thanks!

Author:  jdmeister [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Anti-Virus

BlueRose @ Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:52 am wrote:
[font=Verdana] What is the best anti-virus program for Windows XP Pro with sp2 . I would appreciate some input from fellow members. Thanks!

First things first.. Bad girl, bad girl..

Service pack 3 has been out for years, and service packs are security updates.

Update manually until it won't update any longer. http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/

Then, go here.. http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/ for anti virus..

Free.. and as good as you get without paying $40.00 a year.

Also go here.. http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner and download ccleaner.

Install and run it.. Cleans the crud from your system..

Good luck..

Author:  enzoab [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Anti-Virus

BlueRose @ Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:52 am wrote:
[font=Verdana] What is the best anti-virus program for Windows XP Pro with sp2 . I would appreciate some input from fellow members. Thanks!

JD give's good help there. I use NOD32. Love it, works very well.

Author:  jdmeister [ Sat May 01, 2010 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Anti-Virus

enzoab @ Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:55 am wrote:
BlueRose @ Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:52 am wrote:
[font=Verdana] What is the best anti-virus program for Windows XP Pro with sp2 . I would appreciate some input from fellow members. Thanks!

JD give's good help there. I use NOD32. Love it, works very well.

I like Nod32, but it's $40.090 a year.. So I vote for Microsoft Security Essentials..


Author:  hamsamich [ Sat May 01, 2010 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Anti-Virus

ccleaner is good, i use it, very helpful AND easy. Many use AVAST for anit-V, it is highly touted as the best freeware available for anit-virus. It has been good to me, but I am no expert. good luck!

Author:  enzoab [ Sat May 01, 2010 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Anti-Virus

I like Nod32, but it's $40.090 a year.. So I vote for Microsoft Security Essentials.. :mrgreen:

I paid $58 for two years... Anyway, something is better than nothing.

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun May 02, 2010 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Anti-Virus

enzoab @ Sat May 01, 2010 10:43 pm wrote:
I like Nod32, but it's $40.00 a year.. So I vote for Microsoft Security Essentials.. :mrgreen:

I paid $58 for two years... Anyway, something is better than nothing.

NOD32 is one of the top 3 AV programs.. at any price.. But since Microsoft offers a free AV program, and it too is one of the top 3, I switched from the others.

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