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Author:  whitleigh [ Sun May 02, 2010 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Newbie

I just want to do some parties at home and fundraisers and things like that around my community. I already have all of the speakers, amps, mixers, etc. I have been using my iTunes to play music for my daughter's prom, parties in the back yard and things like that. Now I want to start having karaoke and I have no idea where to start. I would like to control it from my laptop and have it all on a hard drive so my computer doesn't get bogged down with a lot of songs and I also don't want to have to take care of a million CDs. I'm not sure what else I need or where to find any of this stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  Kevinper [ Mon May 03, 2010 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie

First off, you probably should not use I-Tunes anymore. The user agreement you have with them states:

Usage Rules

(i) Your use of the Products is conditioned upon your prior acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.

(ii) You shall be authorized to use the Products only for personal, noncommercial use.
http://www.apple.com/legal/itunes/us/terms.html #10

I do not personally use a hard-drive but am strictly disc-based. But hard drives are cheap now days and there is lots of software to use. I would look for deals on e-bay and the internet companies for the discs and look for a program that will let you host and rip the karaoke. Mind you, I do not believe this is even legal but whatever you do, don't but a hard-drive loaded with songs.

As most of the hosts who do use a computer or hard drive player here, have a disc for every disc they rip.

Others can give you advise on what they use or just search the forum here as there are already posts on this matter.

To me, disc-based = no troubles.

Yes, my dics will wear out. There are ways to fix them though. I may have to replace the discs at one point. Part of doing business.

This is from a USA point of view and is only my opinion.

Author:  oicclouds [ Mon May 03, 2010 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie

Purchase karaoke disc. If you want to put them on computer--

You can use your disc drive on the computer but if you plan on transferring a lot of disc, get a disc duplicator. I used the Microboards brand. Get Power CD + G burner software from Power Karaoke to convert the disc from cdg to computer files. It takes my very new computer about 6 minutes per disc to convert. Then get a karaoke hosting software which can vary based on preference-------from Hoster, Compuhost, Sax and Dotty, Rox Box, Justkaraoke, etc.

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