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Karaoke for teaching purposes
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Author:  Rolf [ Mon May 17, 2010 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke for teaching purposes

What I like about karaoke among other things is that you can follow what is being sung since the text is being colored as the song progresses.

I am teacher and I am around children with learning problems. Some of them repsond well to music. It helps them relax and they learn better.

So I have short paragraphs of text which I will record as mp3 files or ogg files.

Then I have some background music to be played.

The background music is secondary and is there for relaxing purposes only.

I would like to have the text highlighted in the same way as in karaoke so the children can follow.

Then the next thing to happen is to display the text again without sound so the children can give it a try - hopefully.

I am not much of singer myself but of course some other teachers are so we might ending up making short "jingles" for memorization.

There is no need for sophisticated HiFi and we are of course on a restricted budget. It would be great if could find something for Linux, rather than Windows. We have no Macs.

I would be very grateful if someone could point me in any direction e g to a good video tutorial about basic karaoke and it would be great if you could suggest a suitable software for this.

There is no need to produce CDG, CD or DVDs - it is meant to played on a computer only.

None of us has any "studio" experience nor karaoke as such, but we are pretty familiar with computers in general. But something simple to start with, please!

Best wishes

Author:  TopherM [ Mon May 17, 2010 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke for teaching purposes

Karaoke Builder Studio


Author:  DannyG2006 [ Mon May 17, 2010 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke for teaching purposes

PowerKaraoke has the easiest to get started program and is the only one that has a wizard that takes you through the steps to put your song together.


Author:  fsapienjr [ Mon May 17, 2010 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke for teaching purposes

Rolf, I can give you an answer to your question.

Karaoke does help to teach people with learning disabilities. On my saturday at a family pizza place, I have a 42 year old with what would probably be called autism today. A year and a half ago when he first started comming, he couldn't keep up with the pace of any song, and only sang key words or phrases, and mostly danced shaking it the rest of the time.

Now His reading ability is much better. He keeps up with the pace much better on all of his songs, His reading is just bettter. Now he stays silent a lot less often, and talks the song most of the way through. Bottom line practice in a fun way has definately worked for him. He graduated high school back in 85, so I hope his reading was at least alright, and the skills just disappeared due to lack of using the skills.

Hope this helps,
Felix the KJ

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