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Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!
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Author:  purpletib [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

I'm sure many of you know about Karaoke-Version.com

They have an option for suggesting songs to be produced. If a song gets enough votes, they produce it and the only cost to you is to buy it at 1.99! They also offer a lead vocal track for an additional .69! There is also an e-mail notification to let you know when a song is done. I have already bought about ten songs that I voted on and waited to be produced.

If you would like to see a song produced, go to the site, suggest it, and add a link here for us to vote on or let us know what you added so we can go there ourselves and vote for it.

I'm not sure how many votes a song takes to get produced, but by the looks of the top voted songs it is probably around 50 votes, maybe 100. The nice thing is, you can log into their site via facebook. After you suggest a song, in addition to votes from us, add a link to your facebook page to get your friends to vote! I did this earlier, and it was quite easy to do.

For those of you that don't know how to make a CDG file for the lyrics, I can do so or you can too by getting the appropriate software like Karaoke Builder Studio.

I hope that this thread gets a lot of suggestions and votes and as a result and we can finally see some unproduced songs that we love made for karaoke.

My suggestions at this point are anything by Pop Evil. I already added several songs, so vote if you get a chance.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

The problem that I see in this plan is that if a bunch of people vote for a song but they only sell it once to the person who really wanted in the first place...they might start ignoring votes from certain people who say they want a song but they never buy it when it's produced......but if you're there anyway vote for all of the Springsteen songs that I suggested. ;c)

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

I have 2 karaoke version tracks. One with the lyrics done by Karaoke version and the other I bought the backing tracks because there wasn't a KARAOKE version of it. I expect that once I do an audit I will have to remove the one I created but that is the cost of being legal. Actually I might have to remove the other one as well since they put up on their site after I bought it that their tracks are for private use only. Which goes against what they answered me after I asked them about it or maybe because I asked they gave me permission for the use I intended it for. I explained I was a Karaoke Host.

Author:  Kevin That 70s Guy [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

Karaoke-version.com has been great in that they have made some of my requests. I think the price is reasonable and they can also make the CD+G if you request it. There are many great features on the site. For example, once you purchase anything from them, you can re-download it at no charge, in case your hard-drive crashes. You can also purchase multi-tracks, which is great if you want to play an instrument over a backing track. I'm also amazed with how many songs they produce DAILY!

Is it legal to play at a karaoke show? I guess not.

I encourage people to vote for songs, but with the intention that they themselves purchase the song also. They go by votes to consider producing a song, but it's the sales that show whether or not to make more songs from that artist.

Recently they made Richard Cheese's "Baby Got Back" and they are producing his version of "Bohemian Rhapsody." They also have a Dan Band song in the works. I think karaoke-version.com is great!

And if anyone wanted to support my votes, I'll support yours! Msg me!


Author:  jerry12x [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

Kevin That 70s Guy @ Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:20 am wrote:
I'm also amazed with how many songs they produce DAILY!

Yea, we are really amazed.

Author:  purpletib [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

On their website:

Downloading music from Karaoke Version is 100% legal. We honor the MCPS and SACEM agreements by compensating the artists of the reproduced music tracks you download so that all copyrights are respected.

Use for public events
We are happy to allow the use of our soundtracks for public audiences and other performances.
However, we'd like to remind you that in order to be legally compliant, you must receive an official agreement from your national music rights management office (MCPS in the UK for example).
In the case of a non-commercial private event, use of soundtracks is, of course, allowed and unrestricted.

According to the statement that they make about legalities, anything purchased from SelectATrack, SBI, and Tricerasoft may also not be legal for use in the US, but many of us still purchase songs from these companies and use them in our shows. The entire legality issue may never be clearly answered. I would assume, however, that by making your own CDG file for the backing tracks as a KJ you would be infringing on the sync rights. Is that a risk some are willing to make? Perhaps. As long as you are not trying to profit form it, I doubt anyone will come knocking down your door.

Everyone on this forum seems to argue legalities to death, and no one can give any clear answers. The only clear answer is that if it is manufactured in the US and you use the disc to play the track, then you are legal. Anything else is up to questioning.

However, I'm sure there are several signers that may want songs for their own personal use that can be made. If a singer brought in one of these tracks and asked a KJ to play it, would the KJ be held liable? Maybe. This thread wasn't really intended to go into the undefined legalities of tracks produced by this company, but more for those signers that REALLY would like to be able to sing a song that isn't made for karaoke.

So perhaps it should be geared more towards the singers that frequent the forum than the KJs worried about being 100% legally compliant, as any track produced outside of the US is not 100% legal for public performance in the US based on royalty rights. It appears though that KJs in the UK and Canada would have nothing to worry about, and any other country that uses MCPS and SACEM.

Author:  purpletib [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

BruceFan4Life @ Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:02 pm wrote:
The problem that I see in this plan is that if a bunch of people vote for a song but they only sell it once to the person who really wanted in the first place...they might start ignoring votes from certain people who say they want a song but they never buy it when it's produced......but if you're there anyway vote for all of the Springsteen songs that I suggested. ;c)

I voted for all the Springsteen songs listed. As far as sales go, it may be true that not everyone that votes will buy the track, but like Kevin said, as long as you encourage your singers that vote to buy it, it will be worth it if at least a few spend the $1.99. How many times a track sell determines if they make more by an artist, not if they ignore votes from certain people.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

thank you

Author:  Kevin That 70s Guy [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

Bruce, we voted on every Springsteen, will you vote for a few of our songs?

Author:  diafel [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

purpletib @ Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:48 pm wrote:
It appears though that KJs in the UK and Canada would have nothing to worry about, and any other country that uses MCPS and SACEM.

Sorry, but Canada doesn't use MCPS and SACEM.
We have SOCAN (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada).

Author:  Lone Wolf [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

According to their TOS files are for home use only so this really doesn't help KJ's

Author:  purpletib [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

Yet the Select-A-Track site states almost the exact same thing as this site, yet everyone praises that site as the best source for hard to find karaoke. The bottom line is they are one in the same with legalities yet it is simply a matter of preference and opinion of the KJs that use the products on the legalities of the products.



All the tracks we supply are fully-endorsed by the manufacturer and are sold with their permission. A royalty is paid to the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society for every track sold.

You can publicly perform with any music you buy from Selectatrack at home or in any public place. You can re-record with your own vocal if only for personal use. You cannot use (with or without your vocal) any music acquired from Selectatrack for the purpose of distribution, manufacturing or broadcasting without additional licensing from Selectatrack and the track manufacturer.


Downloading music from Karaoke Version is 100% legal. We honor the MCPS and SACEM agreements by compensating the artists of the reproduced music tracks you download so that all copyrights are respected.

Use for public events
We are happy to allow the use of our soundtracks for public audiences and other performances.
However, we'd like to remind you that in order to be legally compliant, you must receive an official agreement from your national music rights management office (MCPS in the UK for example).
In the case of a non-commercial private event, use of soundtracks is, of course, allowed and unrestricted.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

Kevin That 70s Guy @ June 30th 2010, 10:18 am wrote:
Bruce, we voted on every Springsteen, will you vote for a few of our songs?

sure thing. what titles?

Author:  ripman8 [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

Can they make Devil Went down to Jamaica?

Author:  purpletib [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

Who is that by? You can always talk to Kevin about that, he has lots of odd songs produced overseas and may have it.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

There are a couple of Homemade versions of "The Devil Went To Jamaica" out there in pirate land. LOL I've seen them sung at karaoke. I even saw one with a Sound Choice logo at the beginning. LOL

With the right software, you can make any song parody you want from a karaoke track that you already have. You just have to create a new cdg file will the new words. I'm sure that's how the ones out there were done. You might have to sing over some of the original background singers though during the chorus. The versions I've seen didn't have very good timing when it came to the swipes though. You might be better off trying to make your own unless you have th ewords to the parody memorized.

Author:  Kevin That 70s Guy [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets help each other to get songs made that are not on karaoke!

Karaoke Version has a Devil Went Down to Georgia WITHOUT the background singers!
You can purchase that version and sing your parody over it!


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