Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

utatemashou!!!! Let's sing together!
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Author:  boshemian [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  utatemashou!!!! Let's sing together!

Hey all,
I've recently returned to the US after 5+ years in Japan. I'm looking into starting my own Karaoke box/private room business, but have no idea where to start! I'm familiar with the systems in Japan and would be extremely interested in using Uga, hyperjoy/wave if I can...

I'm also interested in knowing what systems people like/recommend and if you have your own business, any tips would be much appreciated...especially for soundproofing.

My favorite "must-sing" karaoke songs are:
Aika/Elegy-Hirai Ken
Heaven is a Place on Earth -Belinda Carlisle

and if I still had easy access to cheapo karaoke like I did in Japan, I'm pretty sure Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance' would be a fav. too...


Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: utatemashou!!!! Let's sing together!

Welcome back..

The "Box Karaoke" venues are popular in some areas..

The last one I visited, language was an issue.. I didn't habla..

Research your area, determine if the demographic supports your desire..


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