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Are these a good match?
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Author:  smiler01 [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Are these a good match?

Are these speakers a good match for the Behringer EP2500?
I.e will the speakers handle the power and not blow.

1000-Watt 2-Way PA Speaker System with 15" Woofer and 1.75" Titanium Compression DriverHigh-power 2-way PA sound reinforcement speaker system for live and playback applications (250 Watts Continuous / 1000 Watts Peak Power)
Ultra-compact and light weight system delivers excellent sound even at extreme sound pressure levels
Extremely powerful 15'' long-excursion driver provides incredibly deep bass and acoustic power
State-of-the-art 1.75'' titanium-diaphragm compression driver for exceptional high-frequency reproduction
Ultra-wide dispersion, large-format exponential horn
Overload-protection circuitry ensures optimal HF driver protection
Versatile trapezoidal enclosure design allows different positioning:
- Stand mounting with 35-mm pole socket
- Tilts on its side for use as a floor monitor
Ergonomically shaped handles for easy carrying and setup
2 professional speaker connectors plus ΒΌ'' jack connectors
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany

Author:  TopherM [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are these a good match?

Perfect match. The EP2500 puts out 500 watts per channel @ 8 ohms and each B215XL takes 500 watts @ 8 ohms program rating.

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