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slightly OT: bar trivia game?
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Author:  jeffsw6 [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  slightly OT: bar trivia game?

My bar-owner friend, where I do my karaoke show, wants someone to host "live trivia" at his bar. He acts like someone should volunteer to do this for fun or a beer discount, which obviously will never happen; but the concept seems interesting. I spent some time on The Google and have gone through the web sites of several companies that do it in other towns. It seems clever.

It's honestly not right for the redneck crowd at this bar anyway, but I'm just curious if anyone on the forum hosts trivia things like this, or patronizes them. I don't see the point in messing with it for anything less than $200 a night as there is a lot of extra work coming up with trivia questions, keeping score, etc. plus someone has to supply prizes.

Author:  spotlightjr [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: slightly OT: bar trivia game?

There are too many places down here hosting trivia. I checked into it a while back and the going rate for pay is 100.00. There are websites that you can subscribe to such as pub trivia, etc that charge a monthly fee for questions, themes, score sheets, etc.
I enjoy playing trivia at certain places. It's kinda lke karaoke. Some places are real good and others.... well you know. I prefer a faster paced trivia game and most down here make you wait like 4 minutes inbetween each question. That's too long in my opinion and makes the game less enjoyable.
I think having the right format is key to a good trivia game.

Back to the money aspect..... If you tie into the house system (if available) and just bring in your laptop, mic, and small mixer it could work. I prefer playing trivia with the questions on a projector or tv, but it isn't necessary. Good luck!!

Author:  Bazza [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: slightly OT: bar trivia game?

There are several companies that sell game show style "lockout" controllers, complete with lights and sound through your PA. I have often thought that this would be the cool way to do trivia in a pub. Have a member of each "team" come up and participate game show style. If you have the personality for it, it could be a LOT of fun.


Author:  lyquiddye [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: slightly OT: bar trivia game?

I used to have a Game Show Mania system. It was very cool for private parties and coperate events. I tried bar trivia, the problem is now days everyone has internet on their phone and they google and cheat.

Author:  masterblaster [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: slightly OT: bar trivia game?

I ran a trivia night at one of the bars I do karaoke at. It was a major PAIN. I had to come up with the questions ( and the bar owner insisted they not be "too hard") Too hard for WHOM? The game lasted from 9:00pm til about 10:30pm. After that, I had to DJ for the rest of the night ( til 1:30).

I did this one night a week for about 5 years. I finally realized it was a lot more work than karaoke, for the same money. Never again.

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