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Stereo Vs. Bridged Mono
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Author:  IN-TYME [ Fri May 28, 2004 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Stereo Vs. Bridged Mono

Need Some tech Assistance.

I have 2 speaker Cabinets rated 350 watts each@8 ohms.(500 watts Peak)

1 amp 150 watts/Channel@8 ohms 300 watts per channel @ 4 ohms(Bridged Mono).

Here Is my question:

since the speakers are rated at 8 Ohms can I Bridge them (Connecting Parallel) and running the amp in Mono Bridged Mode?
I feel I would probably be hurting myself by not having stereo sound, just wondering would the amp prefer to run stereo (Run Cooler and more efficiantly) in stereo or Bridged Mono. Will The speakers be able to perform as well at 4 ohms as opposed to 8?

Since the speakers are rated at 8 Ohms would I have to cut the maximum input power to these in half if I ran them Bridged?

Be easy On Me I'm A newbie.....LOL :?:

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sat May 29, 2004 11:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Both speakers would bring the Ohmage down to 4 ohms.. granted.. true there. But your amp is ONLY putting out 300 watts at a desired 500 watts per side Draw. This would be a real disadvantage in a large to medium room. especially when you have no headroom to run the system at. I would suggest another amp. If it was a smaller speaker Like a draw at 300w @8 ohms I wouldn't have a problem with it.. but not with 2 speakers drawing 1000w @ 4 ohms. 8)

:idea: UNLESS... You go in series. from Bridged mono you can maintain the 500Watts @ 4ohm punch and your power. it has been done in emergency situations on small situations although it may be worth experamenting..

Still I would recommend another amp to get the headroom. Talk to an Pro Audio Dealer who has "Hands On" mixing expierence.. Not a Sales rep.
The engineers will be able to tell you what works and what don't.. the reps tell you the hype from the manufacturers. When it comes to buying pro audio .. amps, speakers.. talk to the ones who use the gear. they know. or they can refer you to the ones who do...

IN TYME Good Luck. 8)

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