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Problems with firmware. Onkey Karaoke Player
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Author:  Karaoke-Hero [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Problems with firmware. Onkey Karaoke Player

I better get right to the point:
Years ago i bought a karaoke player from onkey karaoke and that was really my karaoke starting-point. I just had so much fun with this product...Unfortunately the official website is offline and likewise the help section. So, I am relying on you guys:
As soon as I plug the player into the TV i receive the following error: NO FIRMWARE. I suppose, that means that i have to reinstall the firmware but how do I do that? I really hope you can help me fix this problem!
A little bit of information:
Player: Onkey Karaoke IVL MIC (2002)
Do you need anything else?
I don't know if you even know this product but that's even more unrealistic in a german forum, where i am actually coming from...
I would really appreciate your help!
Best regards from Germany!

Author:  tbreen [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems with firmware. Onkey Karaoke Player

Not sure if this is the one you're referring to, but maybe this link can help...


Good luck,

Author:  Karaoke-Hero [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems with firmware. Onkey Karaoke Player

Thanks, I actually found my player on this site. There are also several contact-possibilities: Mail, phone, fax...but no e-mail adress! But this would be kind of helpful:). And they are still linking to "onkeykaraoke.com". I suppose, they are not really up to date:).
Anyway, thank you for your fast response!

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