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Greetings from California
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Author:  wildrose [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Greetings from California

:D Hello To Everyone....I'm Wildrose and very excited to have discovered this site. I love to sing and started to karaoke about 18 yrs ago. I also enjoy reading mysteries, cooking, movies, traveling, oldies but goodie music, Patsy Cline, Elvis and my family and friends. I am a widow of 17yrs and currently in a relationship. I an semi-retired and work two days a week in a women's clothing store. I'm a native of California and have lived here all my life, and love it. I have three son's and one daughter, and one grandson. Greetings

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from California


Where in California?

Hollywierd here.. :mrgreen:

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