Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Noob Advice Please!!
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Author:  tech [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Noob Advice Please!!

Hi there I've just quickly registered here for my parents. They have bought a new PC for the lounge and want a karaoke program to use on it. :roll:

They bought software called WinKara which comes with 9 CDs for some reason? But I can't get it to work and the first CD takes aaages to load up for some reason anyway!?

They did try the program and it was OK basically it had a whole library of songs that you could queue up and then also change the note/pitch of the songs to match the singers vocal range.

What software is available?
As a temporary option I might just tell them to search youtube eg: "Karaoke Elvis Presley" (lol) :lol:

Please help! Thanks! :)

Author:  jdmeister [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob Advice Please!!

Welcome tech..

I moved this thread over here so others can see it..

Author:  tech [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob Advice Please!!

oh right sorry, didn't realise it was in the wrong place!

do none of you use pc's for karaoke then? since yesterday i found the freeware program called 'karafun' which seems to work ok and ive worked out i have to use cdg and mp3 files for songs to work properly.

can anyone recommend maybe a better program or give any more hints / tips of the pc karaoke world?

Author:  igh70 [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob Advice Please!!

I use the program Just Karaoke I really like it. Its very easy to use and has some awesome features to it. You can get it online for about 30 bux if I remember right. You can also download a trial for free.

Author:  TopherM [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob Advice Please!!

When I Google "WinKara" 95% of the hits are all WAREZ/Rapidshare sites, which are highly illegal.

In fact, after 15+ minutes of searching, I couldn't even find a place to legitimately buy "WinKara," so I would lean to say you paid good money for an illegal product. It came with 9 CDs because 8 of those CDs are unlicenced copies of karaoke music. Not your fault, but I would bet this is what you just bought.

That said, there are plenty of programs out there for free and little $$$ that you can use as a karaoke hoster program. It is pretty much a pure sliding scale - the more you pay, the more features and automation you are going to get.

SO....let us know what features you want and your budget, and we can give you plenty of suggestions that will fit your needs.

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