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Which current hit mfg gets it right?
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Author:  theCheese [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Which current hit mfg gets it right?

Several companies publish their version of 'the hottest songs this month'.. and most have many of the same songs on their respective discs.

Leaving aside for a moment the whole sound quality debate for a moment, which manufacturer/brand of 'top hits' disc puts out the most accurate song selections for their respective month?

This comes to mind just because for several MONTHS people have been asking me if I had the country song Pretty Good At Drinkin' Beer by Billy Currington as it had been getting heavy radio play in my area for awhile now.

Wasn't until Chartbuster Country Hits August rolled out that I was able to get the track.

I had been getting the Pop Hits Monthly discs for Country and Pop each month, but they still don't have the song, not even for Septembers disc.

So for those of you who keep your lists current.. what's your 'go to' brand?

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which current hit mfg gets it right?

Unless you want to buy every 'monthly' disc for all manus, you aren't going to cover everything that is being released without duplicating a bunch of songs that chances are will not be sung regularaly (or at all). I just use the Charbuster monthlies for my 'new' music, I prefer the music although their swipes suck now days. If I see a song I need that isn't covered, I will either pick up the disc with that song from the other manu, or order it via custom cdg if available. I normally don't subscribe to the theory of getting it to have it first (typically by on request from singers), I just like to keep my books current with something new every month - some months it pays off, other months I could have done without that month.

Author:  theCheese [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which current hit mfg gets it right?

Lonman wrote:
Unless you want to buy every 'monthly' disc for all manus, you aren't going to cover everything that is being released without duplicating a bunch of songs that chances are will not be sung regularaly (or at all).

I understand that, which is why I posed the question, "Which mfg gets it right?"

Is there one mfg out there that seems to get more of the latest music you're asked for than another?

This August disc from Chartbuster that I just picked up was my first 'monthly' disc from CB, and i'm pretty happy with it. Just wish it had come out in July!

Still, better a month late than never.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which current hit mfg gets it right?

Chartbuster has been good on Country but they still have the problem of the lyrics screens being behind. But in general, their discs have had more of the asked for songs on them than PHM. But even though it is more money, unless a new disc release has 4 in demand songs on it, I just get the new songs that are actually requested plus a few that I guess will be hot (any Lady Antebellum, Billy Currington) on a Custom and fill in with other requests of oldies, etc.

For pop/rock new, Selectatrack is way ahead of anyone for song availabilty so I usually go that route. But we have less demand for that in our country dive--it is mainly for the kid shows that we need them.

More and more I am going the Custom route because it is less discs to deal with and the songs actually get sung. CBs new songs are availbable on Custom at the same time the New Release discs come out.

I think the main problem is probably getting the licensing. If some brand has a real in demand song way ahead of everyone else, it makes you wonder if there is a problem with the artist giving permision, etc. and maybe some are jumping ahead and taking the risk.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which current hit mfg gets it right?

theCheese @ Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:39 am wrote:
Lonman wrote:
Unless you want to buy every 'monthly' disc for all manus, you aren't going to cover everything that is being released without duplicating a bunch of songs that chances are will not be sung regularaly (or at all).

I understand that, which is why I posed the question, "Which mfg gets it right?"

Is there one mfg out there that seems to get more of the latest music you're asked for than another?

Honestly I don't think one does better than the other, PHM actually puts out stuff that CB doesn't & vice versa. Chartbuster has done good by me for any new songs so far, I don't actually get asked for a lot of 'new' music, but most have seemed pretty good with the CB stuff - these and SC are what most of our singers bring in on their own discs as well but since SC is pretty much out of the equation for new music at this time.......

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which current hit mfg gets it right?

Pretty much buying on request these days.
I'll go to select a track 1st and if I can download the mp3+g I do.
If I have to buy a cdg due to availability who ever has it is who I choose.

If I have to make a choice .. PHM over CB for me.

To answer you questions ..who gets it right
They all do and ,,,none of them LOL

Author:  karaokeking211 [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which current hit mfg gets it right?

I prefer the PHM. Chartbuster,s country is good but their Pop, R&B and Hip Hop are lacking. I actually get the PHM and Chartbuster new release packs every month and prefer the PHM.

Author:  PyrateSilly [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which current hit mfg gets it right?

Since we are out in LA right now we went by the AceKaraoke store itself. Got Supercore 2008 (295 songs on 16 discs) for about $40. It was a half off deal they have going right now in the store, not sure if it's also online. They had a few good deals in the store. It helped fill in a few blank spaces in our personal collection of cd+g's.

(oh by the way for anyone that did not read the newbie thread that I did when I joined the name is from playing pirate for festivals and corporate parties)

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which current hit mfg gets it right?

PyrateSilly @ Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:58 pm wrote:
Since we are out in LA right now we went by the AceKaraoke store itself. Got Supercore 2008 (295 songs on 16 discs) for about $40. It was a half off deal they have going right now in the store, not sure if it's also online. They had a few good deals in the store. It helped fill in a few blank spaces in our personal collection of cd+g's.

(oh by the way for anyone that did not read the newbie thread that I did when I joined the name is from playing pirate for festivals and corporate parties)

I think the OP is look at current monthly releases of todays music.

Author:  lyquiddye [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which current hit mfg gets it right?

I get Quick Hits currently. It's cheap, ahead of the curve for release time, and doesn't sound bad.

I don't do country so I can't help you on that one.

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