Hi Lon
I knew I could count on you.
I might be totally wrong but I get the feeling power amps in general are considerably more expensive in AU than in the US. I have made a list of the price of the following power amps in AUD, and shown the equivalent USD amounts beside it at the current exchange rate. (USD 1 = AUD 1.11647)
Behringer EP4000
AUD 565
USD 506
Behringer EP2000
AUD 475
USD 425
Behringer EPX3000
AUD 565
USD 506
AUD 699
USD 626
AUD 515
USD 461
My twin is in New York, so if it does make a huge amount of difference in price I can get him to send me one from over there provided it will take 220V power supply
Are the USD amounts listed in my table close to the prices in the US or are they way off what you get them for over there?
Vic in Sydney