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Singer's Forum
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Author:  admaero [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Singer's Forum

Why the 3MB limit? Yikes, I have to chop off the beautiful ending of a song and fade it to get it down to 3 MB. Most of mine are 5 or more.

If I "upgrade my membership", can I upload a larger file, or is 3MB the absolute limit?



Author:  Mark Cheetah [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer's Forum

Hi there... nice to meet you! :D

You get 3MB for free. If you pay to upgrade your membership, the maximum file size increases to 4MB, 5MB, or 7MB (depending on how much you spend). I'm pretty sure it costs $50/year for 4MB (be sure to sign up for "quarterly" payments as opposed to "monthly" payments, as it's cheaper that way).

I've noticed the sound quality can be very good at 4MB or less, whereas going under 3MB is stretching it a bit. However, I've heard some songs subbed at under 3MB that sound fantastic, too... it probably depends on what kind of equipment you're using.

I'm currently paying $100/year for a 5MB size limit. But honestly, I could tell very little difference in sound quality beween a 4MB & a 5MB size file. It's funny... YouTube and Facebook give you upwards of 100MB for free! :?


Author:  kjzone [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer's Forum


1. Record your song, then convert to a wave file.
2. Download the Thompson mp3 decoder at this link
3. Use the program to convert your wave to an mp3 "Pro" file.
4. It will be half the size of the original mp3 with the same audio quality.

Jim (kjzone)
any questions, drop me an e-mail to > jrauch@erols.com

Author:  JMcNeal [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer's Forum

File size can be reduced below 3 megs quite easily with the right software without significantly degrading the quality for the purpose of posting here.

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