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Microphone-Spreading Germs
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Author:  IN-TYME [ Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Microphone-Spreading Germs

Anyone got any advice on this situation:

The Other night a patron got up to sing..... before she started singing, she coughed into the microphone.

My concern is if someone has a cold, to prevent giving it to someone else, how do we clean the screens, (some mics I use windscreens on and some I don't).

The Guy that gets up after her likes to eat the mic, so now he has just collected her germs from the mic.

Has anyone had this issue come up before?

Solutions...Suggestions... Reccomendations PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Michael & Sharon

Author:  Big Mike [ Wed Jun 02, 2004 10:28 am ]
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I use a product called the sing clean microphone sanitizer. You can get them at singclean.com

Author:  timberlea [ Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:15 am ]
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Ask those who have a cold not to sing as a courtesy for others not to mention the health issues.

Author:  marley rules [ Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:44 pm ]
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Believe it or not ,coughing into the mic probably will not cause the next singer to catch the cold. The common cold is most contagious when the infrected person is asymptomatic and is usually spread via hand contact then subsequently rubbing your eyes or nose. Hence, we often catch the virus from someone even before (s)he knows they are about to get sick. By the time they are coughing and obviously sick, they are not nearly (if at all) contagious.

As I have said before' if you or your singers are concerned about catching colds and like viruses when signing, wash your hands frequently and avoid rubbing your eyes and nose (at least until after you washed your hands thoroughly)

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:53 pm ]
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Windscreens are a festering place for germs.. But try using an alchol based cleaner type wipe on your mics between singers...Not a WET wipe but something damp to clean and sanitize

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:21 pm ]
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That's a perfect example of why not to be a mic eater :!: But I have to agree with the idea that your singers and you yourself, will probably pick up many more germs from the stem of the mic as you handle it, or shake hands with your followers as they come in to the show, than you will from the mouthpiece on your mics.

Author:  Available Sound [ Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:12 pm ]
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I keep the mic screens in a Tupperware container and shoot Lysol into it after every gig (slap the lid on and gas 'em good!). I'm well aware that it causes them to disintegrate over time but, let's face it - they're not exactly expensive!

I also insist that singes -not-remove-the-screens (I've had more than one gig where several singers insisted on removing them - until I cut them off for not obeying the rules). If they cite germs as the reason for removing it, my little can of Lysol is -right-there- to the rescue. The handfull that cited "sound quality" were reminded that the screens are designed -not- to degrade their (already usually somewhat drunken) singing and that they protect the microphone (from drunken slobber more than anything) and help me identify the mics on the mixerboard (we use colored screens).

Author:  marty3 [ Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:47 pm ]
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Periodic cleaning of the windscreens and an alcohol wipe on the mic might be helpful, but I think for both singers and KJs, at the very least, wash hands often.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:41 am ]
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External foam windscreens DO hurt the sound a bit, especially in the high end bringing out more of a mud sound. I won't sing on a system with wind screens. Lysol will just make it wet & smelly for a singer if you do it on the spot.

Author:  EElvis [ Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:02 am ]
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not to mention that foam is a breding ground for germs. Imagine someone coming to a show with strep and singing. it would spread to the whole bar, next week there wouldn't be a show.

I read an article a few weeks ago about using sponges for cleaning in the kitchen, and it recommended throwing then away after 2 uses, because they were a breedinground for germs. Moist places are where germs grow and thrive. some viruses can live on it for weeks.

then there was the case of the singer deepthroating the mic...... elsicko
its amazing what some people do.

Author:  Capt Midnight [ Sun Jun 06, 2004 5:36 am ]
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Available Sound wrote:
The handfull that cited "sound quality" were reminded that the screens are designed -not- to degrade their (already usually somewhat drunken) singing and that they protect the microphone (from drunken slobber more than anything) and help me identify the mics on the mixerboard (we use colored screens).

I think the foam windscreens DO HARM THE SOUND, the sound tends to become muffled, and not as crisp and warm...

I have the simple solution at my shows to keep myself from getting the germs, i don't use the singer's mic... i have a headworn that works great

Honestly a little alcohol prep pad on the stem and ball of the mic should be fine.

if you are sick, YOU SHOULD NOT BE OUT.
I am becoming more and more germophobic. i tend to keep purel in my van and in my cases for use

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Jun 06, 2004 8:27 pm ]
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Hello old friend... And the name of the device is "Windscreen". We use them to attenuate the noise the wind makes during an outdoor shoot.
So if it cuts down on the wind noise, it must muffle the voice?

All the points made are correct. Wash those hands, clean those mics, kick those coughers...

Seriously, I've seen a "basket" with Lysol dampened cloth in it, and the mic was switched after each singer.
(And rolled around in the Lysol when set down)

Many KJs will use a mic "naked" without a screen.

Wipe them down and hope for the best... :lol:

Sing on for me...

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:54 pm ]
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In Tyme.. Being an Expierenced Audio engineer.. I need to play the devils advocate here.. I only know of a few mics that don't come with windscreens already on them.. .. and those mics are quite expensive And quite fragile...unless it's an SM-57.

What mic would you use for karaoke that a KJ would be foolish enough to risk getting broken that didn't cost less than say $600.00???? :?

I'm Very confused. Unless you record at your shows?

And I doubt You would do that in Charlotte.

Author:  jdmeister [ Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:04 pm ]
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I'm confused too.
The topic was "germs spread by the mic."

How does the price of a mic relate to anything?

(And yes, I recorded audio on a Nagra V for many years.)

We did use windscreens, but it wasn't karaoke. :shock:

Author:  IN-TYME [ Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:19 pm ]
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I was refering to the Foam slip-on windscreens. My concern was that these slip-on foam screens do they help or hinder in the case of spreading germs (putting sound quality aside).

BTW I Use Sennheiser 825s mics, and have used sennheisers for years.


Michael & Sharon

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:18 pm ]
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In a professional engineer's opinion.. Those foam windscreens are a "Host" for germs rather than a preventing it from being one.. if you get a chance.. maybe it would be better to invest in a shure "type" mic or another brand that the windscreens are affordably replacable, and less expensive, yet attempting maintaining the integrity of audio quality.. as I do know shure microphones are not quite as high on the totem pole of quality and integrety internationally as a sennheiser. Just look at the price tag.

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:45 pm ]
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Here's a challange for ya. Take a mic with one of those foam windscreens on it. Use it for half a dozen shows without cleaning it. Then take it off and stick it right up to your nose and take a big wiff. :puke: It'll change your habits :!:

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:56 pm ]
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I'm with you Ron..
Been there Done that... where is my Listerine??? :P

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