letitrip @ Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:41 pm wrote:
When you say static, are you talking kind of a "white noise" or hissing (like TV tuned to a non-existent station) or is it more of a "crackling" type static?
Both speakers, and I believe all active speakers, exhibit some white noise if listened to carefully This white noise does increase a little when the input level is turned all the way up.(which is not where the level is set - only turned way up for this test)
The speaker in question also has a slight crackling type noise but it is only present on occasion and is intermittent when it is present. When I just checked it the crackling noise was
not present. Could it be picking up this noise due to other electrical appliances in the house possibly on the same circuit and running at the time the noise was present? the reason I ask is the dishwasher upstairs was running at the time earlier when the noise was present and when I went to check the speaker a few minutes ago the noise was no longer present - and the dishwasher was finished running. Now i am not sure wether the dishwasher is on the same circuit or not...something I will look into tomorrow.
Are these newer and you're noticing this or have you had these cabs for a while and this is a new behavior you can say for sure was not occurring before?
This cabs are several years old and yes I have experienced this intermittent crackling on other occasions.