Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

New to the Group -- Best Home Karaoke Options?
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Author:  MCCCXINMD [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  New to the Group -- Best Home Karaoke Options?


I've been singing karaoke at home for years, and about 8-9 years ago, I bought a CAVS JB-99 jukebox system. It's fun for home use, but it's a bit slow and clunky. Specifically, it feels like you need a Ph.D. in computer science to add new songs to it. I wish some of these laptop hosting options had been available (or at least well enough known that I would have heard of them) back when I bought the CAVS unit. Clearly, it is time for an upgrade. I was wondering what some of the best home karaoke options are. My requirements are not too great. They are:

-Ability to connect to a home stereo tuner and/or a microphone sound mixer
-Ability to add new songs (MP3+G format mostly) easily
-Ability to print song lists (if laptop based)
-Ability to enter multiple songs into a jukebox-style playlist
-Ability to cancel a singer's request
-Ability to search for songs

I'm sure there are many more options available that I should be considering, but again, this is just for basic home use. I don't think it would be very hard to improve upon what I am currently using. I'm not too concerned about the cost, as long as the solution does the job. I would imagine that the greatest expense would be the laptop, and the rest of the cost would be for software. Of course, I am a newbie and could be way off base.

Does anyone have a great home karaoke solution that is not disc based and that is easier to update and maintain than a CAVS jukebox player? Thanks for any information you can provide.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New to the Group -- Best Home Karaoke Options?

Basic home use I would get the combination of JustKaraoke and it's song book maker. Very affordable at $49 and well worth the money. www.tricerasoft.com

For importing discs you can't go wrong with CDGRip from Invicion.


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