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Issues loading Music on Vocopro Vbank from hard drive
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Author:  mbrungardt [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Issues loading Music on Vocopro Vbank from hard drive

I recently purchased a Vocopro Vbank for my home use. So far, not real excited abount the difficulty of the GUI. I am having an issue getting thigns to work properly. I am trying to load my song collection that I have stored on USB.

I have the files in Mp3 and CNG format. The system uploads the files fine and will play the MP3 files, but puts a question mark next the the CNG file and won't play the lyrics. I have also tried uploading bin files and that didn't work at all.

Vocopro tech support is closed until Monday and I was hoping someone might have the expereince to direct me with what is going wrong here.

Thanks :?

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues loading Music on Vocopro Vbank from hard drive

Not many professional kj's use VocoPro products so you may not get a lot of help here. Here is the manual.

Page 16 explains how to use the USB section. Looks like you have to copy the files to the internal drive. And it also says something about having to in "Pro" mode in order for the cdg files to work. Which is explained on page 17.
Not sure what the "CNG" file you speak of is, or did you mean CDG?

Author:  mbrungardt [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues loading Music on Vocopro Vbank from hard drive

Thanks. I had the manual, but the documentation is very poor. I tried the pro mode and the only difference that made is you have to type the number of the song on the console you want instead of picking it off the 1980's looking GUI.

I managed to navigate how to upload songs and it loads the MP3 and CDG in order. It recognizes the MP3 and lalels it as a MP3. The following CDG (yes that was a typo) gets a "?" beside it and it does not paly the lyrics.

When I tried the Bin file, it also got labeled with the "?" in the menu and won't play at all.

I guess it will have to wait until I can speak to someone at Vocopro, but I am thinkiong about eating the shipping and returnign the unit -not very impressed so far.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues loading Music on Vocopro Vbank from hard drive

Are the cdg files tagged as .cdg or .CDG ? The 'case' may make a difference. I have seen that with some computer programs. Try renaming one to the other & try that.

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