Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Dear Karaoke Manufacturer, ...
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Author:  seattledrizzle [ Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Dear Karaoke Manufacturer, ...

Dear Karaoke Manufacturer,

Over a few years, I have submitted many song requests to your company. I think a couple of them might have even been put on cdgs. However, I always wondered why there wasn't a better system of feedback to let the customer know when a song they have requested actually gets done. As we all know, sometimes this can take months or even years from the initial song request to the final release. So here is my suggestion. Since the initial song requests usually requires an email address be entered from the requester, why not keep track of the song and the email address, and then send the requester an acknowledgement email when and if the song finally gets done. That would be great customer service, and the most valuable kind of feedback!

Sincerely and songfully,

A. Singer

Author:  jerry12x [ Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dear Karaoke Manufacturer, ...

Mr. A.Singer.
As my left hand does not always know what my right hand is doing.
I am afraid you are all out of luck.

Author:  Workmen [ Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dear Karaoke Manufacturer, ...

Song are published therefore anyone wanting to use them has to have the rights to use them. Karaoke OEMs are low on the totempole on access to rights. They cannot give you an answer they don't have!

You take the song as on a cd and rip it, remove the lead vocal and then create the graphics you have a Karaoke song. You play it at home nobody knows but you sell it or play it in public you are in violation of many copyright laws! Just a matter of time till those that own the rights catch you and make an example!

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