Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

adding songs to a bestsound karaoke machine
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Author:  cookiefiend [ Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  adding songs to a bestsound karaoke machine

Hi everyone, new to the forums here.

So I have family who purchased a Bestsound Karaoke machine (KV800S), and they want transfer their karaoke disks into the machine, which I believe is a feature on this machine. Unfortunately for me, this is a chinese product and I can't read any of it. If anyone is familiar with the product, any info on this would be great.

I'm also new to working with karaoke disks. I was browsing on the forums and it looks like I need something like "Power CD+G Burner" to rip the karaoke disks. So after I get the file onto my desktop, how do I know what format it needs to be before loading it into my karaoke machine? Or does that depend on my machine? And lastly, I was wondering, after I load it into my machine, would it still have the feature of being able to turn off vocals etc..

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Author:  karaokegod73 [ Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: adding songs to a bestsound karaoke machine

I don't know anything about this machine but most units of this type are supposed to be capable of directly reading the disks and converting and storing them on whatever storage system it may have. I don't think you would be ripping disks on a computer and THEN transferring them. I asked a dealer about the RSQ units and the only way to load them is one disk at a time, direct rip in machine. This is probably to keep people from loading them up and selling illegally loaded units.

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