Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Mac Users
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Author:  simpmech [ Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Mac Users

Just for the Mac users out there who are looking for a great program to run for computer operated shows, ( there are not a lot). After doing some serious research to find the best for ME, I decided on this program. It has everything I feel anyone would need for kj. Of course opinions differ but its definitely worth a look!

"kjams pro"

Author:  theCheese [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac Users

I wasn't aware of any other karaoke programs for mac aside from kjams and Virtual DJ.

Author:  goldeneye923 [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac Users

I can vouch for kJams. It's well worth the money. It even has a smart phone app that people can download (1.99 I believe) where singers can surf your library and add songs from their seat. If a singer adds more than one song, kJams keeps track of your rotation and adds their second song to the bottom of the list. It looks like it's built off of an iTunes kernel, so it is very user friendly. The only issue I have with it is that it is almost too user friendly.

For example, if you forget to change your venue.... Say James comes in on Wednesday to sing a song - everything's fine.

Say you run a Thursday show and James shows up.... James signs up, Followed by Jackie then Amy then Bernadette.

Not recognizing that there are 2 separate nights, kJams will recognize James from Wednesday and put his name at the bottom of the list because, it the program's mind, has already sang, so the "proper" rotation should be Jackie, Amy, Bernadette, THEN James, so it will automatically move his name to the bottom of the list. This can get complex on this runs multiple nights/gigs and you have the same names of singers.

Overally, I would still give it an A+ though. It's one little issue you learn to deal with. I think the cost is about $150 for the professional version and very much worth the money.

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