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DK Millineum Series vol. 1 - 2 Cavs?
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Author:  TakeABowPro [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  DK Millineum Series vol. 1 - 2 Cavs?

:?: Hello... I am looking to obtain the old original DK series 1 - 99 set if I can find them new or used. The closest thing I am finding on ebay is sellers that claim that this Cavs millineum series has all of the DK series on this two volume set. Does anyone know if these are legit and if I get them, what is the best way to rip these to my drive to maintain a 1- 1 media shift ratio with these. I would rather have the original discs but this may be the closest thing I may find. Thanks p.s. I do own a cavs player, but do my show now with a laptop.

Author:  KarenB [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DK Millineum Series vol. 1 - 2 Cavs?

As I understand it, the CAVS set is not kosher, and includes songs that were never released by DK. This set came out long after DK left the US market. To convert to mp3+g requires special software and the music was ripped at a low bit rate.

You can still occasionally find complete sets of both the original 1-99 series and the later 115 disc millennium set on ebay. The prices for complete sets seem to start any where around $400 for the millennium set and $500 for the original 1-99 set, up to $1500, depending on the seller and the condition of the set for sale.

While you will end up spending more for it, my advice is to keep your eye on ebay, craigs list or for KJ's selling of their gear and get them that way. You'll be able to rip them at a better quality rate and you'll know the discs will be legal.

Just my :2cents:


Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DK Millineum Series vol. 1 - 2 Cavs?

ditto Karens thoughts.

Author:  Alan B [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DK Millineum Series vol. 1 - 2 Cavs?

KarenB wrote:
As I understand it, the CAVS set is not kosher, and includes songs that were never released by DK.

And you don't know that. It is just speculation. Since DK is no longer around, they cannot speak on their behalf.

Now, this set is listed on Amazon.com. and sold by many reputable Amazon partners. So, I'm going to say it's perfectly fine and a good purchase. What could possibly happen if it's sold through Amazon? They're the largest, most reputable on-line retailer. Let's not turn everything into a legal debate.

Author:  KarenB [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DK Millineum Series vol. 1 - 2 Cavs?


Wasn't trying to start a legal argument. If you notice, my first four words were "As I understand it" aka to the best of my knowledge. Part of the reasoning was that I remembered reading on a board somewhere, where the poster had tracked down the current rights holder to the DK library in the US and had asked if the SCDG sets were authorized. He was told that they had not been and this is partly what I based my response on.

As far as being listed on Amazon, that doesn't mean much. I just found all six of the Chartbuster SCDG sets listed for sale there and Chartbuster has stated more than once that those sets haven't been legal for a long time.

And I closed my statement then, as I do now, with it's just my "2 cents".


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