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How many legit legal disc's in your library?
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Author:  mightywiz [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  How many legit legal disc's in your library?

don't give specific's to brands or anything like that.

I just curious to how large of collection KJ's are using.

I quit the karaoke scene for about 4 years (back injury & surgery) but i
kept up on updating my collection.

I personally have enough disc's to do a couple venues i think, but just
trying to get an idea about how i should split them up or should i just do
one venue with all the disc's.

i have about 2500 disc's for about 50,000 + songs

but i think i can slit them up and be able to get 2 nice shows going.

the problem here is where im at is all the piracy going on and all the low ballers with pirated software & music.

i want to put up the best show i can with what i have.

any input would be appriciated

Author:  Lonman [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

I have approx 950 cdg's. And around 85 laserdiscs. 12,700 individual song titles. But it isn't how many discs you have, the question should be - do I have what people actually want to sing? Quantity means squat if the songs aren't what people actually want to sing.

Author:  MtnKaraoke [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

I have over 5,000 CD+G's including the entire GEM series (200 MP3+G discs). These are original mfr's product. I can't speak to the legitimacy or legality of those mfr's, though it is my belief that the overwhelming majority of these are published under the correct circumstances.

I have become an avid collector and I use PHM, CB, MR. E and SF to continually update.

I'm always scouring eBay & Craigslist to find those rare sets and fill in with CD+G's that are missing from a particular mfr's series.

This collection includes 65,658 tracks and my offerings boil down to 24,752 unique titles available through the CompuHost Remote Request Server/Kiosk during my shows.

This is both quantity and quality.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

1015 ripped in the library, about 10,500 unique titles.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

Of course, it's not the amount of discs (different brands have different track quantities), but the anount of songs that you are asking about.

First, let me say that I agree with Lon. It's not the size of the library, but the selection within and how well it matches your venues. No mtter how many songs you have, you will probably be playing from a a group of under 300 at any particular venue.

That being said:

While I OWN about 25-30,000 songs on discs, I only CARRY about 15,000 to bar venues. They fit into 3 big binders. The balance are a combination of foreign language (several), novelty, or rarely used tracks. I DO take them to private events. Hope that helps.

BTW, to answer the question posed in the thread title:

The answer is ALL.. I'm a manufacturers' disc based show- no PC in use.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

While I have several other brands which I don't use anymore, I have chosen to limit myself to the brands that have paid for their licensing for the majority of songs. Are there songs I wish I still used, yes. But I won't use them because they were never licensed for use. That said of the brands I use I have aproximately, Dupes counted, 17000+ songs available to me should I chose to use them- I now have the KJ Media Pro HD so the majority of my library is locked up until I need them.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

edited...decided it was insensitive, and not funny.....sorry

Author:  Cueball [ Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "Legit Legal Discs." When you make reference to that, do you mean discs that we own which we believe were legally produced as versus those fly-by-night manufacturers (that produced a line of discs without obtaining all the legal permissions needed, sold as much as they could, and then faded into the woodworks), or am I missing something here?

That being said, I'm sure I own several of those illegally made brands, but I purchased them all in good faith (from a legit Karaoke store), and I still use them in my library (and I have no intention of removing them from my library either). I first started my collection in 1995, and I now own somewhere between 950 and 1,000 CDGs from multiple manufacturers (some still in business, and some long gone). Some of the CDGs I own, were made up/ordered from some of the download sites we are familiar with (such as Sing to the World, SBI, etc...). Adding up my songs, I have a total of 11,466 songs (repeats included) listed in my library. If I take out the repeats, I've got about (rounding off) 9,500 songs. I do admit to owning a small handful of songs that were made up illegally (someone had created their own songs or satire of songs in CDG format (example: "Only Gotta Three Inch Tool," "Barnacle Bill the Sailor," "Cat's in the Kettle," "I Did You Babe," "(Dirty) Summer Nights," There's a Bathroom on the Right," etc...) but, I do not have them listed in my books. Those songs are for my personal use only.

Author:  djdon [ Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

johnny reverb wrote:
Don't know if it's legit or not, but I bring one cdg - 50's vol. 1
I do one show a week at a home for people with alzheimer's
getter done...... :)

I know that's bad, I'm sorry lord, and something about the starving Pigmees in Brazil...????

That would be:

Lord I apologize for my karaoke transgressions, and be with the starving pygmies down there in New Guinea.

Your penance: 3 "git 'er done's" and an "I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there."

Author:  mckyj57 [ Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

591  Chartbuster
121  Sound Choice
114  DK Karaoke
87   Pop Hits
71   Miscellaneous
65   Sweet Georgia Brown
49   Legends
31   Monster Hits
20   Supercore
14   Party Tyme
12   Country Karaoke Classics
11   Nutech
11   Dangerous
11   Backstage
10   Big Country
1218 disks

+ 190 miscellaneous downloaded songs (13 disks worth)

I don't put all those on my disk for use. I think I end up carrying 18,000 songs of which about 10,750 are unique titles.

Author:  kjathena [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

we own 4 sets of LD's and 48,000 cdgs in our 3 (soon to be 4 systems) and we have a large tub of "junk brand discs and dupes" We have been in the business for over 17 years and my husband is a "collector" We have always been known as having a HUGH amount of music (our books are overflowing the 5 inch D rings with dupes removed)

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

kjathena wrote:
we own 4 sets of LD's and 48,000 cdgs in our 3 (soon to be 4 systems)....

A slight hijack here, and apologies in advance.

I know Athena well enough to be aware of her level of intelligence, and respect it. That being said, a question:

I know that you and the devoted hubby can trust each other, but I would like to know ( this is strictly for me folks- not for debate. I'm trying to learn here..) how you handle trust issues in regard to the KJs who will be handling your other systems.

With all the horror stories of the sub-contracted KJs used by multi-riggers, I'm asking how Athena and the DH protect themselves.

I am not, nor have I ever been a multi-rigger, and am the first to admit a lack of knowledge in this area. I figured I'd give a shot at using the forum for it's real function, and try to get a little education.

If requested, I'll start a separate thread, but it's a single question directed at my friend Athena. Help?

Author:  kjathena [ Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

Joe at this time we have only 3 family members running systems. We also stamp our HD's and use a custom program that changes password each time the external HD is installed....yes it does cause a phone call to be made in case of a power outage but it safe guards our drives somewhat. If someone were to copy the drive during a show (the only time they would have the drive) it would be a lot of work for them to unstamp the files ect. We are also very careful about KJ's that we hire and do background checks ect before the extensive training is started. In 17 years we have only been "burned" once and that did not involve music loss just a show loss(this was in our disc based days). Integrity and honor are two of the most important qualities we look for in a potential KJ.....a good ear, show presence and ability to learn our "branding" can be taught....they can not.

; ) and as I tell everyone when I meet them...I can be your best friend or your worst nightmare the choice is yours. I believe in extreme vengeance when someone crosses my "family"...and Karma is a (@$%&#!)

Author:  TopherM [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

897 CDGs here, a little under 13,000 non-duped songs.

Of those, my CompuHost history shows that only about 1400 unique songs were sung at my venue over the last 365 days.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

We are only up to 489 which is somewhere in the 6-7,000 zone non duped. Yet we get compliments on our selection because we buy on request. But if we go to a different venue that changes and we have a flush of request ordering.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

kjathena wrote:
; ) and as I tell everyone when I meet them...I can be your best friend or your worst nightmare the choice is yours. I believe in extreme vengeance when someone crosses my "family"...and Karma is a <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span>

Oh sh!t.......I can't find the expression symbol for being extremely frightened.........how about a pair of freshly soiled underwear?..... :)

Author:  jclaydon [ Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

wow now i really feel like a novice! mind u, I haven't been doing this nearly as long as some of u have.

I currently own almost 500 cdg discs and somwhere around 6000-8000 unique tracks with all the digital downloads I've made thru tricerasoft.

Author:  earthling12357 [ Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

Funny how the crazy spamvertising glitch thing switched from "auto detailing" to "background checks" on Johnny Reverb's post almost in context with the content. :lol:

Author:  mightywiz [ Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

i went through my disc and counted them..... not including duplicate disc's

anyways 1994 original disc's and well over 2500 including dup's.

chartbusters is the largest with 367
soundchoice 229
top hits monthly 169
dk 130
priddis 127
pop hits monthly 112
music maestro 89
back stage 71
sweet georgia brown 66
sav 61
pioneer 51

and then 500 + various other disc's

this was combining both show's disc's for the count.
i have no idea how many non dup songs that is but the song count is 38829 songs. with vocal tracks removed.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many legit legal disc's in your library?

earthling12357 wrote:
Funny how the crazy spamvertising glitch thing switched from "auto detailing" to "background checks" on Johnny Reverb's post almost in context with the content. :lol:

:lol: as you can see.....they are totally under my control... :)

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