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spinoff:The INCREASING Value of a Karaoke Show
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Author:  twansenne [ Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  spinoff:The INCREASING Value of a Karaoke Show

Just spinning off of the thread "The Declining Value of a Karaoke Show"

I think a LOT of ppl are looking at it wrong. If the economy is bad, and you can make a venue more money, then it is time for a price INCREASE. The problem is trying to get that message across to bar owners/managers.

For me I have increased my prices for bar gigs, at first because I wanted to get out of the bar gigs, but they keep booking me, because I can keep a crowd at the bar spending $$$.

I also have increased prices for private parties, and a big increase on wedding gigs. I decide this after attending a few weddings in recent history and discovering that a lot of wedding DJs in my area are crap, and charge too much. I always though I was charging too much, and didn't want to lose gigs, but I realize my mistake. I am worth paying the extra $$$$ on, and if ppl don't realize that, then I don't want to work for them.

So again, if you are worth it CHARGE MORE!

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: spinoff:The INCREASING Value of a Karaoke Show

I don't worry so much about increase and decrease because my fee is flexible on formula.

A small bar in a quiet area on a Tuesday night will not make what a larger venue in a high traffic area on a Friday or Saturday will. Even if I fill it, there are simply less patrons in a smaller bar.

That doesn't mean that I don't set a minimum limit and raise THAT from time to time. If the min can't or won't be met, I move on to the next venue.

The thing is, flexibility is important to the financial success of all around.

I would like to add that it is just as important for a host to CHOOSE a venue. So many KJs will take any venue that's offered regardless of fit. The host's power of choice is just as important as the venues'.

An example is a venue that I actually do twice a week ( an exception to my rule of never working more than one night per week at any venue).

I specialize in higher end restaurant bars (more money, more pleasant clientele), and this one definitely ain't it.

It holds around 200, and when I got there it was essentially a big dive full of drinkers just coming of age. I've worked this type of bar many times over the decades, and figured that I was done with it.

The reason I went there was that the owner of another venue that I worked was a friend of this one's and asked me to go in as a favor. My plan was to do my six week min and run. I'm in my third year there now...

OK, the point. Despite it being a favor to start, I STILL wouldn't have gone in even for 6 weeks, except that it's only 8 blocks from my house. Convenience is nice.

Then I got lucky. Instead of the kids, singers from my other venues started coming in and spreading the word. The result
was the displacement of the 8 dollar /pitcher cheap beer special drinkers with more profitable older mixed drink cocktail drinkers- end less behavior problems. This and top pay made it a keeper, but the pay alone wouldn't have kept me for 3 years.

Another tiny place offered to pay my minimum, but the place was so small that It simply couldn't fit enough people to make anyone any money- pass.

Where I won't work- please keep in mind that this strictly my personal preference- no knock on others:

I won't work a venue where there is anything in the same room that detracts from the entertainment/karaoke. Pool table/ or other game table in the same room? Pass.

I won't work rabid sports bars. I don't think singers want to compete with screaming drunks yelling at the TV.

Can a venue be too big? For me, yes. The way I host includes a lot of customerer contact. Too big can be too impersonal. I once worked a NYC club that held 1000.
Had to work from a booth on top of that. I did my 6 week min, found them another host, and ran like hell- even though the pay was stupendous. Not my style. I need more intimacy to do my best work. I could do it as a DJ- but that would bore me to tears.

My point here is that for truly long term shows, the venue has to fit YOU, the host. I believe that when the host is comfortable and happy, it shows, and makes the night better for all.

Author:  ggardein [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: spinoff:The INCREASING Value of a Karaoke Show

:lol: For all we know, you might have been charging $10/hr before the increase.........need more imput....

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