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Need a leg up
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Author:  rumbolt [ Sat Jul 24, 2004 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Need a leg up

Is it me or is this summer been slow for the KJ business. I have just relocated to a new town and am trying to get established as a KJ. Seems that most places I contact about Karaoke are poormouthing me to death. I gave up a regular gig and some fill in work in another state. Had a good following! What was I thinking? I know I am an unknown here but any suggestions would help. Need to get on the fasttrack. A lot of the venues are buying there own equipment and music. That is not good for business either.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sat Jul 24, 2004 10:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tenn. is a hard state.. It took me a month and a half to get going and I threw everything but the kitchen sink in to get a show and a venue in Nashville with the assistance of a indie recording label. then after after a month and a week of having to prove myself I was off to the races for nearly a year. Now the show and the venue now belongs to a great KJ who really helped me along. Bless that man!

There ya have to nearly give it to them then kick them in the head to get it outta them 4 fold. but it works..

Just show them what you are made of.. There they like a "BIG" show. if not they will go to live shows. Tenn is a rough place to compete with live -vs- karaoke unless you got an awesome show.

I lived it. Good luck to ya..

P.S. I have many friends in Knoxville.. PM me when ya get a show I'll let them know to sing with ya..

Author:  wannabe [ Sun Jul 25, 2004 12:33 pm ]
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Sometimes when you're new to an area it can be hard to find a gig. I think that's true anywhere. Karaoke , as a rule, is not taken seriously in the music industry and club owners may have been burned before by KJ's who don't know how to mix or build a following. Maybe you can frequent some of the local karaoke shows and make some subtle inquiries as to what club may have had karaoke in the past and might be open to it again. I find that the regulars at the karaoke clubs usually have the town wired and can be very helpful. You may try some obscure club and offer a cut-rate show to start with incentive to make more $$ if you can draw a crowd. Say a % of bar totals. I know some one who has a gig every night but Sunday and Monday at one place and he gets % Tues-Thurs and gets a flat rate on weekends. It takes time to prove yourself and you sometimes have to be willing to give a little more than you normally would.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sun Jul 25, 2004 12:41 pm ]
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I also know alot of KJ's there in Tenn. that actually do shows for tips only.. but personally I'm totally against that practice. They really don't survive on it.

Author:  wannabe [ Sun Jul 25, 2004 12:55 pm ]
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I'm not suggesting that you continue to go on percentage. Just make sure that when you do build a following you can adjust your rate accordingly. I don't think that working for tips is a good idea if you need to make $$. Most people don't tip KJ's in my experience and I don't like begging for tips anyway. If you can afford to go out just for fun for awhile it could work until you build a following. BUT I REPEAT: always be sure the option is there to make $$ if you bring in customers. If the club owner then decides not to pay you, you have a following to back you up to go to another club.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:02 pm ]
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I will back up wannabe on that suggestion.

Author:  POETS [ Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:13 pm ]
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My big problem in central Florida is more in getting a WEEKEND job. I've got a regular gig on Wednesday nights from 8 to midnight, but school is starting up again next week. Thursday mornings with the chilluns is going to be rough.

There are three places here that have dedicated karaoke on weekends, but all have had their KJs for years (12 years at one place, 6 or 7 years at another, and 2 at the third). I wouldn't dream of trying to edge out someone with a regular gig.

The other places that used to have karaoke on weekends cut it out because of bad experiences with KJs. I've got to find a way to show them it actually can work well. It may be time for me to invest in a video camera...?

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:57 pm ]
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EXACTLY... SHOOT A GOOD VIDEO.. Get it edited and pressed to a real nice DVD package.. some how the marketing process impressed alot in Arizona.. I still get calls.. and school is around the corner.. too bad I sold the company :cry: I now refer alot of gigs out.

Author:  animalien [ Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:51 pm ]
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My advice is to watch what you say and how you say it. If they are badmouthing you, then maybe they are getting the wrong idea when you talk to them.

Be careful in how you address the owners. Don't say how you can do better than the other guy - say how your show will bring people.

I see KJ's come into other KJ's shows and try to convince the bar that they are better and they will do it for a lower price. Some bars bite and it ends up biting them in the butt.

Just plan your work and work your plan. If you are good then the bars will call. Try hosting some free shows. That way the community can talk about you.

Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:06 pm ]
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Wow! Thank for all the advise. The real frustation is I worked the owner of a fairly large bar to give Karaoke a try (with me of course). Been hanging out there some like a regular gettin to know the place. The owner was getting hard to get to see then all the sudden last week there is another guy doing Karaoke. Got what was supposed to be my gig! That hurt, OUCH! Will keep plugin away at it. I'll let you guys know how things are going. Oh yea , does anyone have a copy of a decent contract I can look at. Got several weddings coming up. Email me @ Rumbolt@aol.com. Never work with a contract but have been reading that it is better than without. :D

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:11 pm ]
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rumbolt.. even if ya have to.. go in for 3-4 weeks free of charge to them as an audation..(work for tips) {DISCLAIMER: read my above post} then if it works out.. you have a gig. Make an appointment with the owner or whoever books the entertainment first thet is the WHOLE KEY!!!. :wink:
pm me for more details on dealing with talent booking agerncies.. i used to to that qiute often they are a pain. but well worth the trouble.

Author:  animalien [ Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

rumbolt wrote:
Got what was supposed to be my gig!

It's never suppose to be "Your gig". Don't lollygag about it. Go in, say who you are and what you can do and move on. Talk to the bar a week later and give them a reason to hire you.

You can choose a bar to hang out in, but don't do it because you want to be a Karaoke host. Do it because the people are cool.

Don't feel defeated. Walk down the street to the next bar and pitch the idea. I still suggest giving them a freebie if they sign up for 6 weeks.

If you want some good ideas, pick up a book on guerilla marketing. There are a lot of good secrets in those books.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Animalien: you think too much like me... "gurrilla marketing" I love it!! :wink:

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