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Stolen Slips
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Author:  Earl [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Stolen Slips

Last night at my show, one of my regular patrons brought me in a request slip that she'd picked up at another Karaoke venue.

Clearly, it was one of my professionally printed slips that someone didn't quite remove all of my business name from the top row with their scissors... Apparently there were plenty more where that one came from.

I knew I'd been going through an inordinate number of slips lately, but that's getting pretty low...

Author:  Kuelman1 [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

All I can say is what a low life! Are times really that rough? I have to assume someone at your show is taking the slips and giveing them to your competior. Maybe you can hand them out for awhile to see where thay are going.

Author:  jerry12x [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

Kuelman1 wrote:
Are times really that rough?

Yes. Where do you work Earl?

Author:  earthling12357 [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

You might consider visiting that show and going home with a couple extra books.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

Chances are that most of your missing slips are just pulled by patrons and left around for the bar to throw out later. What makes more sense is that someone grabbed just a few, blanked your info, then made copies for themselves. They just used yours as the template.

Just guessing, but this seems easier than stealing bunches of slips and removing your info one slip at a time...

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

JoeChartreuse wrote:
Chances are that most of your missing slips are just pulled by patrons and left around for the bar to throw out later. What makes more sense is that someone grabbed just a few, blanked your info, then made copies for themselves. They just used yours as the template.

Just guessing, but this seems easier than stealing bunches of slips and removing your info one slip at a time...

I know company that did that with my slips, jees, get a desktop publisher & create your own - really!

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

Lonman wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
Chances are that most of your missing slips are just pulled by patrons and left around for the bar to throw out later. What makes more sense is that someone grabbed just a few, blanked your info, then made copies for themselves. They just used yours as the template.

Just guessing, but this seems easier than stealing bunches of slips and removing your info one slip at a time...

I know company that did that with my slips, jees, get a desktop publisher & create your own - really!

Latshaw has a free request slip generator that they could have used too.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

DannyG2006 wrote:
Lonman wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
Chances are that most of your missing slips are just pulled by patrons and left around for the bar to throw out later. What makes more sense is that someone grabbed just a few, blanked your info, then made copies for themselves. They just used yours as the template.

Just guessing, but this seems easier than stealing bunches of slips and removing your info one slip at a time...

I know company that did that with my slips, jees, get a desktop publisher & create your own - really!

Latshaw has a free request slip generator that they could have used too.

They could have used anything - I honestly don't care, was just funny that they had to take someone elses slips to copy for their own, as long as my info is whited out, I don't care. Just chalk one more up for those lazy kj's that don't want to put any effort into their own business.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

and i bet that little bit of info they didnt get trimmed off the top made that host look even more pro than they already did. lol

Author:  BT Magic [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

It's pretty ridiculous, considering you can get Request Slip Generator from Latshaw Systems for FREE and customize your own. The culprit must be lazy, ignorant or both.

Author:  ripman8 [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

That's one of those things that just makes you shake your head and say,,,,, "Really?"

Maybe you can insert your business name in 6 font somewhere right in the middle. Of course they could always white it out and make copies.

You should visit the suspected host and fill out one of your slips to sing at his show and see what kind of look you get.

Author:  Lisah [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

That is just weird!! Even before computers, we used a typewriter, made a master then used a copy machine! Anyone with half a brain can make slips with Note Pad!

I don't care for the Latshaw program... not customizable enough. I make mine with MS Word: logo and name at the top, first line for singer's name, 3 songs lines, then website addy at the bottom. Six per page.

Author:  KARAOKE-N-CONCERT [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

I no longer use slips. I found luv2sing karaoke requests from your smart phone. It's Free. I have a netbook set up also.

Author:  Lisah [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

I'd really like to not have to use slips. But, especially at one of my venues (a hotel), the vast majority don't have a smartphone. Since I went to computer, the use of slips has gone down tremendously, but I don't think I'll live long enough to do away with them all together! :lol: I will be going to kiosk as soon as I have the time/money... but I'd be willing to bet I'll still get those people who will come up asking for slips!!

Author:  birdofsong [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

We don't use slips. We have our kiosk, which sends requests to our host machine.

Author:  Lisah [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

birdofsong wrote:
We don't use slips. We have our kiosk, which sends requests to our host machine.

Curious about your kiosk... where do you put it? Do you take it to multiple venues?

Author:  timberlea [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

We get our slips printed by a professional company. The top has our information, the middle with the request info and the bottom for a sponser, who pays for the slips. We haven't paid for a slip in over 8 years.

Author:  birdofsong [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

Lisah wrote:
birdofsong wrote:
We don't use slips. We have our kiosk, which sends requests to our host machine.

Curious about your kiosk... where do you put it? Do you take it to multiple venues?

It's actually built on a two-wheeler cart and we wheel it in. The monitor telescopes, so we can lower it to get it into the van and raise it for a show.

We put it a few feet from our system, so we can talk to people and show them how to use it if they have questions. We use a touch screen and an old Windows 98 machine that was a throwaway. People love it.

{edited by mod}

Author:  Lisah [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

timberlea wrote:
We get our slips printed by a professional company. The top has our information, the middle with the request info and the bottom for a sponser, who pays for the slips. We haven't paid for a slip in over 8 years.

That's a good idea :) I am the 'professional' here.. I designed the logo and the slip... just open the file and print! Whatever the paper costs and pennies for the ink. Biggest pain is cutting them.. but I have a paper cutter so I can go through 100 pages in five minutes. (that's 600 slips). I'm too lazy to go to a printer.. :) I hate to shop!! :lol:

Author:  Lisah [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stolen Slips

birdofsong wrote:
Lisah wrote:
birdofsong wrote:
We don't use slips. We have our kiosk, which sends requests to our host machine.

Curious about your kiosk... where do you put it? Do you take it to multiple venues?

It's actually built on a two-wheeler cart and we wheel it in. The monitor telescopes, so we can lower it to get it into the van and raise it for a show.

We put it a few feet from our system, so we can talk to people and show them how to use it if they have questions. We use a touch screen and an old Windows 98 machine that was a throwaway. People love it.

(for clarification for the benefit of MtnKaraoke -- I am not "hawking" my husband's program -- she asked a question about the hardware (btw...I do hope you're enjoying the free songbook program he went out of his way to configure for you on Thanksgiving last year))

I'm wanting to do the kiosk thing... and yours sounds good.. I think I'll talk to my son-in-law and have him build one :) He can do the networking part too!! :lol:
I'm so burnt out on doing all the background stuff for karaoke... well, not just karaoke. I'm the computer guru of the company.... but never planned on it.. never went to school for it, I just get asked to do something and then I go learn how. But my learning abilities are waning... could say my hard drive is full!!

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