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Tip - Working around MP3G+Toolz file renaming shortcomings..
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Author:  chrisavis [ Tue May 08, 2012 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Tip - Working around MP3G+Toolz file renaming shortcomings..

Long ago, I standardized on using MP3G+Toolz as my karaoke file naming utility. Because of the other features it has in ripping, converting between formats, and other featires, it has become an invaluable tool for me. I have used Deb's File Renamer in the past, but it defaults to renaming Karaoke files to "FirstName LastName" with no means of changing it. I like "LastName, Firstname" and MP3G+Toolz allows for that and other tweaks to filenames.

I also prefer to store my ripped karaoke files in .ZIP format but I know there are folks that like to leave their files unzipped exposing the .CDG and the .MP3 file. Regardless of how you store your files, the .MP3 and the .CDG files have to have matching file names except for the extension (.MP3 & .CDG). I personally don't care if the contents of my .ZIP files are named correctly so long as the .ZIP file itself is named properly for book printing and finding songs in my karaoke player.

One of the failings of MP3G+Toolz is that it's file renaming feature only works against .ZIP files. It will not rename .MP3 and .CDG files. It also will not rename .MP4 files in the cases of LaserDisc or other video format rips. So for people that leave files extracted or use any format other than .ZIP, MP3G+Toolz will ignore the file and not rename it.

There is an easy fix for this though.....

!!!!! Do not attempt this without backing up first !!!!!

Using MP3G+Toolz to rename .MPG files

Example - I have a full set of Pioneer LaserDiscs and the associated .MPG rips for each one. Unfortunately, not all of the files are in the format I want for book printing and indexing with my karaoke player.

There is a simple "cheat" to getting MP3G+Tools to rename files - change the extension to .ZIP so it will rename the file!

I used an additional 3rd party application called "File Renamer Regular" that has a lot of bulk file renaming features, one of which is to change the extension on a file name. I used "File Renamer Regular" to change all of the .MP4 extensions to .ZIP, then ran MP3G+Toolz to rename the files to the format I use for printing and indexing. Afterwards I used "File Renamer Regular" to bulk change all of the extensions back to .MP4 and use in my karaoke player.

Using MP3G+Toolz to rename .MP3 + .CDG files

This same approach could be used for renaming .MP3 and .CDG files if you need to correct them.

Simply move all of the .CDG files to a separate directory, change the extension to .ZIP, use MP3+GToolz to rename, then change the extension back to .CDG. Before moving the .CDG files back to their original directory, repeat the process against the .MP3 files. Once complete, move the .CDG files back to their original location with their matching .MP3 files.

You now have properly named, matching .MP3 + .CDG files.


Author:  mightywiz [ Tue May 08, 2012 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tip - Working around MP3G+Toolz file renaming shortcomin

nice post, i also used the same process. but i have file rename deluxe. lol

thinking outside the box!

since then i've found and use sax and dotties content renamer. which basically opens the zip file and renames the files inside to match the zip name in one step.

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