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Why I wanted to start hosting karaoke in the first place...
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Author:  hiteck [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Why I wanted to start hosting karaoke in the first place...

Due to the audit/cert/lawsuit/money situation of hosting karaoke I've never gotten my business off the ground and it has become tiresome and really has pushed me to the point of why bother.

Well the this past weekend we had our annual family reunion. I had started some tunes playing at a lower volumes and after lunch I began to slightly increase the volume as well as using more upbeat selections. Once I got the volume up a bit and a few family members started looking for my books and asking about song selections I figured it was time to start. I started the singing off with The Purple People Eater and Hot Rod Lincoln. One after another submissions came in and family members would sing, some that you'd never even expect to get up there. Singer's ages ranged from 3 to 85 and selections ranged from children's, traditional and 50's - current. Everyone had a blast and I got the most enjoyment out of it as all the time/money I had spent was paying off even if I wasn't making any money with it.

It was great, if only for one day, to do what I've wanted to do with people I care about and not even think about the current state of the industry.

Author:  mrmarog [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I wanted to start hosting karaoke in the first place

It feels good to see people having a great time. I know how you feel about all the crap surrounding being a KJ. If I hadn't found KS I would probably be a lot happier because I wouldn't even know about all the BS associated with karaoke. I'm sure I would have heard little rumors going around, but I would have dismissed most of them as baseless.

Hiteck, my advice to you is to stop worrying and just do it. Being a KJ can be very rewarding. There have been so many nights that I have come home, after doing a show, so high (from excitement) that I couldn't sleep. Be part of that and DO IT!

Author:  chrisavis [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I wanted to start hosting karaoke in the first place

I echo mrmarog's sentiments here - just do your thing, have fun, and enjoy it. There is much that has been brought to light for me in the last year regarding karaoke. Most of it is negative but I have managed to (mostly) keep a smile on my face about it.

I worked my first wedding reception yesterday. It was the most stressful event I have ever done. I am also sick and the only thing that kept me from dripping like a faucet is Nighttime Nyquil so I was working against the drugs the whole time as well. With the exception of the 4yr olds dropping and screaming into mics, it was awesome to be part of a momentous occasion of two families lives. The highlight of the evening is when I told the groom - "If there is one song you ever learn to sing for you bride, make it this one..." Then I sang "She's Got a Way" by Billy Joel. The bride and groom danced and I think every woman in the place was crying by the end.

It was the single most rewarding event I have ever done.


Author:  hiteck [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I wanted to start hosting karaoke in the first place

chrisavis wrote:
I echo mrmarog's sentiments here - just do your thing, have fun, and enjoy it. There is much that has been brought to light for me in the last year regarding karaoke. Most of it is negative but I have managed to (mostly) keep a smiler on my face about it.

I worked my first wedding reception yesterday. It was the most stressful event I have ever done. I am also sick and the only thing that kept me from dripping like a faucet is Nighttime Nyquil so I was working against the drugs the whole time as well. With the exception of the 4yr olds dropping and screaming into mics, it was awesome to be part of a momentous occasion of two families lives. The highlight of the evening is when I told the groom - "If there is one song you ever learn to sing for you bride, make it this one..." Then I sang "She's Got a Way" by Billy Joel. The bride and groom danced and I think every woman in the place was crying by the end.

It was the single most rewarding event I have ever done.


Sound like despite being sick you made the most of it.

In addition to the somewhat chaotic rotation, I managed to throw in some funny filler stuff, a few drops over the mix and even managed to throw in a 4 song dance set that no one expected, but the chairs were parted and the dancing started. Considering there wasn't much drinking going on I actually impressed myself at that point :mrgreen:

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I wanted to start hosting karaoke in the first place

Hiteck, I do it because I love it. If you still have fun and enjoy the work, then you should too!

The rest of the world outside of these forums doesn't spend their lives fretting over this crap, and neither should you. Do what you like to do, and ENJOY IT!

No one has the right to rain on your parade, even if they like to pretend that they do.

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I wanted to start hosting karaoke in the first place

I second/third/fourth the motion. Do it, Hiteck! Your assessment from that one day alone, the great feeling you had, how enjoyable it was to be able to entertain & at the same time be entertained. Imagine how awesome it would be to experience the same feeling week after week.

Someone once said (don’t know who) “When you look back, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did." (? or words to that effect) :)

I do it because I love & enjoy karaoke. Life is short. I don’t know when it will be the last time I get to do this, so I try to enjoy every minute of it.

(pardon me) At the risk of repeating my motto below, my main reason: “To be fortunate enough to derive an income from a source as fulfilling as karaoke music has got to be as close to heaven as we can get here on earth!” :D

Author:  karaokegod73 [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I wanted to start hosting karaoke in the first place

This shows the sad fact that this stuff going on only effects those who really care about karaoke as a livelihood and for the fun it can bring. The rest don't care now and never will.

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