Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Custom Track Creators
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Author:  chrisavis [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Custom Track Creators

Stumbled on this site a moment ago....


I don't think I would pay even $99 for a custom track for my most favorite song in the world, but it is interesting none the less.


Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Track Creators

I've purchased quite a few backing tracks over the last few years to create CDG files for many of my favorite songs but I think the most I have paid was around five dollars for one from England. Usually they are only a couple of bucks but you have to settle for what's available on their list. Karaoke version is a great source for backing tracks but it could take years to see a song produced that you made a request for. I was shocked when I received an e-mail from them about a song that I had requested for someone else and had completely forgotten about. To get a song specifically produced for yourself in a matter of a couple of weeks carries a high price tag but for some people; price is no object. Now if you had a dozen people looking for the same song; it would only cost each person around eight dollars. That would be a reasonable deal but who can get 11 other people to agree on one song? LOL

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Track Creators

That's still a reasonable price considering the time involved to record & mix it all. Whether they would midi it all or actually use musicians.
But I guarantee, once you paid for the track, they would sell the song to all the karaoke manus they could so they wouldn't be 'out' alot and you would see that same recording for $5 or less on an instrumental site. But it wouldn't have been available IF you hadn't originally paid to create it.

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