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Karaoke segue
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Author:  crazyface [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke segue

At a venue that I occasionally host, some of the punters bring their own CD's. One lady has has some songs segued together. Now I've never seen this before, and got caught out the first time I played one of her CD's. As I thought the track was about to end I was just about to say the usual, woooooo give it up......etc, when it segued into the next song, then the next and the next. Ten minutes later the thing finished. Now the thing is it was a quiet evening so it didn't matter, but I'm dreading her asking for one of her segued tracks when it's busy.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

I won't allow that. Once I know a song is supposed to end, i'll manually fade it out. Not going to have someone do a 10-15 (or more) min medley.

Author:  doowhatchulike [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

crazyface wrote:
At a venue that I occasionally host, some of the punters bring their own CD's. One lady has has some songs segued together. Now I've never seen this before, and got caught out the first time I played one of her CD's. As I thought the track was about to end I was just about to say the usual, woooooo give it up......etc, when it segued into the next song, then the next and the next. Ten minutes later the thing finished. Now the thing is it was a quiet evening so it didn't matter, but I'm dreading her asking for one of her segued tracks when it's busy.

Despite the ambiguity of the situation, perhaps u could avoid doing those compilation songs by informing them that tracks that aren't specifically designated for karaoke shouldn't be used....

Author:  crazyface [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

They are karaoke tracks!!!!!, all proper workd s and everything. She has them done somewhere. I no not where tho'.

Author:  MrBoo [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

It's very easy to do from any windows based computer with standard MP3+G or bins. And no, I would not allow that. Especially if she didn't tell me it was like that. I would have simply faded it out and acted like I hit something by mistake and get her off stage. Then ask her not to do that again.
And you are quite sure it was her CD and not your player? I had one of my guys flip the switch by mistake that caused the player to continue on to the next track instead of stopping after one. They finally asked me about the player being, "broken" (they had simply waited for the track to end then hit the stop button before they told me) and I flipped the switch back.

Author:  mightywiz [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

yeah cut it off after the first song ends and if she don't like it, too bad cause your regular customers will....

maybe if you piss her off she'll go somewhere else.

Author:  simpmech [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

Couldn't agree more, one and that's it.
I do have ONE exception but it would have to be laid out ahead of time. We have a few singers that are very good, most of them have been singing in bands most of their adult life. They get constant request to stay up and sing more, encores etc. Once in a while I do Que up another song for them if and when they agree and audience demands it. But as stated, this would not be a surprise for any of us. It would be planned out

Author:  Kuelman1 [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

I would have just faded the second song out and moved on as normal. If she had a issue with it so sorry one song per rotation.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

There are quite a few medleys out there on Zoom discs and on SBI downloadable tracks. These tracks, however, are usually snippets of multiple songs and not entire songs strung together so someone can beat the rotation system. Karaoke version also sells medlies of various artists and genres. I bought their Elvis medley and actually cut out one of the songs to shorten it up a bit from 7 minutes down to 6 minutes. If people can sing American Pie and Stairway to Heaven and the dreaded Paradise by the Dashboard Light; then I see no problem with singing a legitimate medley.

Author:  c. staley [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

I blackout the lyric monitor screen entirely and it displays a list of the next 6 singers and the audio keeps rolling..... which I then fade to an audio track on a different channel I use for bumper music.... They CAN'T do that to me (anymore.)

Back then "old days" when cassettes were still around (remember them?), I had a guy that would show up late, ask to do the "last song of the night" and he would ask politely, but brought his own cassette.....

He got away with this only once:
At 5 mins to closing, I put his cassette in and it was some compilation crap that lasted almost 12 minutes.

I wanted to kill him.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

c. staley wrote:
Back then "old days" when cassettes were still around (remember them?), I had a guy that would show up late, ask to do the "last song of the night" and he would ask politely, but brought his own cassette.....

He got away with this only once:
At 5 mins to closing, I put his cassette in and it was some compilation crap that lasted almost 12 minutes.

I wanted to kill him.

The worst part about running cassettes was the many people that did NOT have the song cued up and expected me to fast forward/rewind their tape to find the correct song. I did finally create a rule, if it isn't cued up by your turn, you lose your spot in that round so you have time to find the correct spot.

Author:  Cueball [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

BruceFan4Life wrote:
There are quite a few medleys out there on Zoom discs and on SBI downloadable tracks. These tracks, however, are usually snippets of multiple songs and not entire songs strung together so someone can beat the rotation system. Karaoke version also sells medlies of various artists and genres. I bought their Elvis medley and actually cut out one of the songs to shorten it up a bit from 7 minutes down to 6 minutes. If people can sing American Pie and Stairway to Heaven and the dreaded Paradise by the Dashboard Light; then I see no problem with singing a legitimate medley.

I agree... As long as it is a legitimate Medley, and not just 1 song followed by another, and another, etc... Now, I've got one song that I made from 2 SC songs. It is from their "Hair" disc. The songs are "Black Boys" and "White Boys." The run time for the 2 songs is still under 5 minutes, and I merged them together as 1 (managed to remove the SC Logo from the 2nd song) because in the Movie version, they were back to back. I've only performed this song twice (with another participant) as a goof.

As for the Zoom medlies, I don't even list them in my books (the few that I have), because I don't consider them to be real medlies. The ones that I have, appear to be snippets of 3 or 4 songs from the songs already on the disc, and no real segueway into them.

Author:  doowhatchulike [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

cueball wrote:
BruceFan4Life wrote:
There are quite a few medleys out there on Zoom discs and on SBI downloadable tracks. These tracks, however, are usually snippets of multiple songs and not entire songs strung together so someone can beat the rotation system. Karaoke version also sells medlies of various artists and genres. I bought their Elvis medley and actually cut out one of the songs to shorten it up a bit from 7 minutes down to 6 minutes. If people can sing American Pie and Stairway to Heaven and the dreaded Paradise by the Dashboard Light; then I see no problem with singing a legitimate medley.

I agree... As long as it is a legitimate Medley, and not just 1 song followed by another, and another, etc... Now, I've got one song that I made from 2 SC songs. It is from their "Hair" disc. The songs are "Black Boys" and "White Boys." The run time for the 2 songs is still under 5 minutes, and I merged them together as 1 (managed to remove the SC Logo from the 2nd song) because in the Movie version, they were back to back. I've only performed this song twice (with another participant) as a goof.

Interesting...and this is for ANYONE's reply: Doesn't this fit under the claim that removal of logos is an infringement of some sort, as eluded to by counsel for SC on this forum? I cannot recall the exact term (I am sure someone can easily fill us in on that), and I do not wish to take the time to research it. Just thought an admission of such an act, on a site that is monitored and, yea, even participated in, by SC counsel, was quite a surprise.....

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

Lonman wrote:
The worst part about running cassettes was the many people that did NOT have the song cued up and expected me to fast forward/rewind their tape to find the correct song. I did finally create a rule, if it isn't cued up by your turn, you lose your spot in that round so you have time to find the correct spot.

I did the same thing, but one of my regulars got smart enough to mark the cue spot on his cassettes, just in case.

Dincha just love using those lyric sheets? :lol: :roll:

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

JoeChartreuse wrote:
Dincha just love using those lyric sheets? :lol: :roll:

Oh yeah! They were the best. I had die hard cassette users until around 99 or so, they would print their sheets big enough & tape them to the tv monitor on stage. :roll: Even though I had the same 'music' version on cdg that they were using on tape. I finally broke them of it, but it took a while.

Author:  Cueball [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

doowhatchulike wrote:
cueball wrote:
.... Now, I've got one song that I made from 2 SC songs. It is from their "Hair" disc. The songs are "Black Boys" and "White Boys." The run time for the 2 songs is still under 5 minutes, and I merged them together as 1 (managed to remove the SC Logo from the 2nd song) because in the Movie version, they were back to back. I've only performed this song twice (with another participant) as a goof.

Interesting...and this is for ANYONE's reply: Doesn't this fit under the claim that removal of logos is an infringement of some sort, as eluded to by counsel for SC on this forum? I cannot recall the exact term (I am sure someone can easily fill us in on that), and I do not wish to take the time to research it. Just thought an admission of such an act, on a site that is monitored and, yea, even participated in, by SC counsel, was quite a surprise.....

Just for clarification... First off, the item I mentioned is for my personal use only. I do not use it at any shows which I might host. It is not listed as a song selection within my library for others to sing from. Unless I am mistaken, the infringement you are referring to refers to Professional Use.

Secondly, I only removed the SC Logo from the 2nd song (which I merged with the 1st song), and I kept the SC Logo there for the 1st song. The SC logo is still displayed. It's just displayed at the beginning of play for that track which I created/modified.

Author:  DJCC [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

JoeChartreuse wrote:
Lonman wrote:
The worst part about running cassettes was the many people that did NOT have the song cued up and expected me to fast forward/rewind their tape to find the correct song. I did finally create a rule, if it isn't cued up by your turn, you lose your spot in that round so you have time to find the correct spot.

I did the same thing, but one of my regulars got smart enough to mark the cue spot on his cassettes, just in case.

Dincha just love using those lyric sheets? :lol: :roll:

Man, I hated cassettes!! What a pain!

Author:  GeminiMALE40 [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

I have about 400+ acc cass hanging on my wall but they just sit there gathering dust...I used them for when I performed at church...yes at one time I was very big into the christian music..not anymore..LOL

Author:  NoShameKaraoke [ Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

Lonman wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
Dincha just love using those lyric sheets? :lol: :roll:

Oh yeah! They were the best. I had die hard cassette users until around 99 or so, they would print their sheets big enough & tape them to the tv monitor on stage. :roll: Even though I had the same 'music' version on cdg that they were using on tape. I finally broke them of it, but it took a while.

I would love to hear stories of the old-timey karaoke days. I can't imagine what it was like with lyric sheets, rather than monitors.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke segue

The biggest difference for singers was knowing when to come in and where the breaks where. So knowing the song was key - because there were no swipes or bouncing balls to show where you came in at or which words to sing when as they highlighted. I had started running shows right toward the end of tape days. I knew some that were using 8 track type systems. Pioneer was just emerging (or had been out since 87 if I recall) but they were SOOO expensive $150-200 per disc so not many had them, but this is where we were headed and since there were only 10 discs available at the time we started, it wasn't QUITE as bad, plus the company I was working for had 5 shows going, all making $350-400 per night so they were able to jump on the LaserDisc bandwagon fairly easily. Later expanded to 4 systems - all making that kind of money, I think the lowest they ever took was $250 a night for a multi night gig at 1 club.
For the cassettes, we had full binders of printed sheets for each song - back then kj's were lucky if they had anything more than 500 songs and that was ALOT! But it was usually key 'karaoke' staples - much easier to license/record music without lyric swiping so we could also get some current hits as well - current up to 89.
Biggest pain for the kj was being able to cue up the tape and have it ready to go - a few like our shows had 2 decks - 1 to play & 1 to cue. In between songs were quite a bit dead air - fill music wasn't really used by most. I didn't even start using it until around 93-94.

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