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Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?
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Author:  dave [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?

There was a D.J. meeting in Vegas the second week of Sept.
The players in the Cloud service were going to have a (summit)
Has anyone heard anything?
On another karaoke forum they were talking about it --but now they are strangely silent. Has anyone heard anything?
Rumor is that Sound choice is also joining cloud?

Author:  c. staley [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?

dave wrote:
There was a D.J. meeting in Vegas the second week of Sept.
The players in the Cloud service were going to have a (summit)
Has anyone heard anything?
On another karaoke forum they were talking about it --but now they are strangely silent. Has anyone heard anything?
Rumor is that Sound choice is also joining cloud?

That's true. SC is already being announced as part of the cloud to publishers. And NO mention is made of "Chartbuster" at all.... It's been re-labeled to "Digitrax."

Author:  dave [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?

Any word on this so called summit?
And as we know Chartbuster disks are still being sold by the thousands from
Tennesee so chartbusters must be still going-also.

Author:  simpmech [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?

There is an entire thread entitled to this already, I was there for the convention and spoke with them at the new Digitrax production company :wink: Yes, sound choice AND Chartbusters library's will be the first released onto the cloud with others to follow. Much information on the other thread.
As far as the "chartbuster" disc being sold out of Seymour Tenn. you are correct. On E-bay, It's Craig Taylor's collection at this point and he is selling off what remains. So it's not chartbuster selling it, they are no more.

Author:  Cueball [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?



Author:  c. staley [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?

simpmech wrote:
There is an entire thread entitled to this already, I was there for the convention and spoke with them at the new Digitrax production company :wink: Yes, sound choice AND Chartbusters library's will be the first released onto the cloud with others to follow. Much information on the other thread.
As far as the "chartbuster" disc being sold out of Seymour Tenn. you are correct. On E-bay, It's Craig Taylor's collection at this point and he is selling off what remains. So it's not chartbuster selling it, they are no more.

So "Craig Taylor" is using the name "debistovall" as the seller?

I would have a bit of an identity problem with that if that is the case.

Author:  dave [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?

Thanks for the info--hopefully someone will share more info on what was covered at the (Summit)
P.S. That sure is a huge pile of personnel disks(thousands and thousands) coming out of Seymour since May all in 500 disk lots

Author:  Brian A [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?

c. staley wrote:
simpmech wrote:
As far as the "chartbuster" disc being sold out of Seymour Tenn. you are correct. On E-bay, It's Craig Taylor's collection at this point and he is selling off what remains. So it's not chartbuster selling it, they are no more.

So "Craig Taylor" is using the name "debistovall" as the seller?

I would have a bit of an identity problem with that if that is the case.

Hmm, simpmech, you must be referring to one of Chartbuster’s honchos at the time: Greg Taylor, not Craig. Greg was one of the sales managers working for the Stovalls. He’s the one that sold me the 12k hd a day before they closed shop. Had I waited a week or two after, I could’ve save $500 or 7. But who knows, (speculation) maybe Greg's still working for, or just helping out her former boss Debi, to get rid of the remaining inventory. :wink:

Author:  Lone Wolf [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?

Maybe CB gave all their employes lots and lots of discs as a severance package knowing that they could sell them on Ebay.

Debi is not only selling discs but such things as signed guitar picks check her other items!

Author:  simpmech [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke summit in Vegas-in Sept.?

Brian A wrote:
c. staley wrote:
simpmech wrote:
As far as the "chartbuster" disc being sold out of Seymour Tenn. you are correct. On E-bay, It's Craig Taylor's collection at this point and he is selling off what remains. So it's not chartbuster selling it, they are no more.

So "Craig Taylor" is using the name "debistovall" as the seller?

I would have a bit of an identity problem with that if that is the case.

Hmm, simpmech, you must be referring to one of Chartbuster’s honchos at the time: Greg Taylor, not Craig. Greg was one of the sales managers working for the Stovalls. He’s the one that sold me the 12k hd a day before they closed shop. Had I waited a week or two after, I could’ve save $500 or 7. But who knows, (speculation) maybe Greg's still working for, or just helping out her former boss Debi, to get rid of the remaining inventory. :wink:

Didn't realize my typo there. Yes it is actually Gregory W Taylor that is selling the lots of 500 chartbuster disc on Ebay. I purchased on set for myself to fill in gaps for a second rig im putting together. The shipping tag is just that, with his number, address etc and this....sweetdeallovers.com

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