I can certainly sympathize with the loss of a good vendor. However, blaming the lack of updates on business problems caused by piracy may be jumping the gun a little.
1) They could be in the midst of a change of ownership due to a retirement, or simply adding or deleting a partner.
2) The could be in the midst of a new physical site construction or move.
3) They may be in the midst of changing his/her vendors, or simply having vendor problems.
4) The vendor may be in the midst of a legal suit from one of it's own major labels.
5) The vendor may be in the midst of personal problems which have kept attention away from the business.
6) An employee may have embezzled the company's funds, causing a delay of newer purchases.
7) The owner may have mis-managed the company ( the true and most common reason why most companies -including karaoke producers- run into trouble or go out of business).

Etc, Etc, Etc.........
I know we like to go on about piracy here, but it shouldn't be the go-to excuse for all bad things.
That being said, it certainly could be the reason as well. We simply have no way of knowing.....