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Gripe Time...
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Author:  Cueball [ Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Gripe Time...

Brian A wrote:
stevo wrote:
Hi, I don't think Karaoke is dead, but since such tv shows such as the X Factor, ETC its just been to much, and know and I am speaking for myself know and going off topic a bit, but there is a lot of Apathy, for example people can't be bothered to clap you if your good maybe apathy, maybe jealousy. There is no good vibe to it anymore, I am English but live in Thailand, so am talking about the scene here. I just guess they don't like a foreigner coming here and singing there music better than them I guess. I don't bother going much know. Some stupid ignorant and selfish jealous people can just kill the fun off it all, because there tiny little egos cant take it, :| :| and unlike us have no Inspirations to be better yet envy us.

Sorry about :roll: that had to get that off my chest :angry:

I don’t know how it is in Thailand, but here in the States most shows, if not all are conducted this way: when you sing you’ll get the recognition you deserve regardless of how good (or not so good) you perform, without regard to being local, tourist or foreigner. Everybody gets the same treatment.

I’ll make sure applause is given after each & every performance or they’ll hear it from me, like: “hey, hard enough for someone to be up here doing their best to entertain you, so please give them the same respect as you would expect to receive”. Or words to that effect. :) Doesn’t happen very often, though. Sometimes the audience is not paying attention they forget. Better forced than no applause at all. It’s rude & also affects the singer’s self-esteem.

But then again, I’m sure there’s a difference between family restaurant serving beer & wine (where I’m at) than a Full Bar serving alcohol where there are more inebriated, intoxicated people. Try to deal with that! :lol: :lol:

Brian, I've been to some shows where, when you sang, you didn't get any recognition (regardless of how good (or not so good) you performed), and the KJ did absolutely nothing to encourage the Audience to be responsive. They didn't even applaud for their own friends and other Regulars. I've also been to one show, where the Regulars were an extremely tight clique, and they sang nothing but R&B and Soul. They would totally ignore any new singer unless they got up and sang the same style of music. Also, the Regulars at this particular place would do One-Upmanship against each other (as if they were competing in a contest or were on American Idol), and it was a MAJOR TURN-OFF.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gripe Time...

cueball wrote:
Brian, I've been to some shows where, when you sang, you didn't get any recognition (regardless of how good (or not so good) you performed), and the KJ did absolutely nothing to encourage the Audience to be responsive. They didn't even applaud for their own friends and other Regulars. I've also been to one show, where the Regulars were an extremely tight clique, and they sang nothing but R&B and Soul. They would totally ignore any new singer unless they got up and sang the same style of music. Also, the Regulars at this particular place would do One-Upmanship against each other (as if they were competing in a contest or were on American Idol), and it was a MAJOR TURN-OFF.

Agreed. Without audience feedback, one might as well stay home and sing in the shower....

I think that's the main reason people go out and sing in public in the first place. Some very few may just like the way they sound on pro equipment, but I can't see anyone enjoying silence after giving their all....

Author:  johnny reverb [ Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gripe Time...

:lol: Well, I hate to break anyone's heart, but I'm pretty sure, that in vast majority of no-clap cases........it's because the people don't care, and aren't paying attention......your just back ground noise to what's interesting them......hey, take it as a complement, as to them just thinking the DJ just played an original artist's cut....... :)

ps.....sometimes it's good, when you don't get the clap....

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gripe Time...

johnny reverb wrote:
ps.....sometimes it's good, when you don't get the clap....

:lol: another JR classic :lol: :lol: --- because if you get it you might be visiting the clinic instead of karaoke venue :lol:

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gripe Time...

cueball wrote:
Brian A wrote:
I don’t know how it is in Thailand, but here in the States most shows, if not all are conducted this way:

Brian, I've been to some shows where, when you sang, you didn't get any recognition (regardless of how good (or not so good) you performed), and the KJ did absolutely nothing to encourage the Audience to be responsive. They didn't even applaud for their own friends and other Regulars. I've also been to one show, where the Regulars were an extremely tight clique, and they sang nothing but R&B and Soul. They would totally ignore any new singer unless they got up and sang the same style of music. Also, the Regulars at this particular place would do One-Upmanship against each other (as if they were competing in a contest or were on American Idol), and it was a MAJOR TURN-OFF.

Thanks for pointing that out, Cue. But I do have a disclaimer: “most shows, not all”. :) In your case, & others, I think the blame falls on the kj. He/she’s not doing a good job as a host.

Generally, as the first face people see upon entering a venue the kj’s primary goal is for everyone to have a good time, especially the singers. Audience clap included (not the kind of clap jr suggested, sorry jr, can’t resist). :lol:

These are kj’s mandatory hosting responsibilities & they’re getting paid for it. Failure to do so is unacceptable. I’ll walk & take my business elsewhere.

Author:  Rikki Tikki Karaoke [ Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gripe Time...

There is always the "canned" applause track, or hold up an Applause Card or a Lighted Sign like they do for Live TV audiences...

I just shamelessly ask for applause from everybody, as well as starting the applause myself after a good, bad, or ugly rendition... cause that's part of the job description! :roll:

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gripe Time...

clap for one of three reasons, they were good, they were great, or they are done. we don't know the difference so any of those reasons is fine with us.

after a bit i start calling regulars out by name
"Ernie, the song is over, what do we do now?"
"Guido, why don't you show everyone what we do when the song is over"
and they do it while laughing that they got caught.

Author:  TroyVnd27 [ Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gripe Time...

My people are pretty supportive of each other. One of the other (very long time) hosts here in town will sometimes make a singer sing another song when there is NO applause. He'll say "Man, you were so good, they must have thought they were listening to the jukebox". Then, there's a 4th reason to applaud - to avoid having a singer sing multiple songs. Never tried it - but I can tell you, it works.

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gripe Time...

Brian A wrote:
johnny reverb wrote:
ps.....sometimes it's good, when you don't get the clap....

:lol: another JR classic :lol: :lol: --- because if you get it you might be visiting the clinic instead of karaoke venue :lol:

Is there karaoke at the clinic? At least you can count on clap-ping

Author:  Brian A [ Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gripe Time...

TroyVnd27 wrote:
hosts here in town will sometimes make a singer sing another song when there is NO applause. He'll say "Man, you were so good, they must have thought they were listening to the jukebox". Then, there's a 4th reason to applaud - to avoid having a singer sing multiple songs. Never tried it - but I can tell you, it works.

:idea: This could be the best solution to the applause problem. Maybe even place an applause meter to gauge the audience response. No applause, or only 10% from the meter - that singer gets to sing another. New patrons probably wonder why the not so good singers get deafening enthusiastic applause. :lol:

I wish I knew that from back then, could’ve implemented that idea from other venues I kj’d with applause problem. :lol:

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