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Your karoake system.....part 2.
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Author:  brainchild [ Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Your karoake system.....part 2.

All, I noticed that this topic was posted a few months back. I just wanted to see if anyone did any upgrade(s) to their rigs since then. Also, newbies like me can see what's popular and working equipment to look into.

Here's mine:
Pioneer V555 DVD player
Mackie 808s powered mixer
Shure Beta SM58
BBE 482i Sonic Maximer

Will be getting DBX limiter and maybe alesis effects processor soon.


Author:  Lonman [ Fri Sep 03, 2004 1:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not much done in upgrades yet, did get 2 new compressors in the mobile system. Planning on new speakers & amps for the stationary system a little later this year.

Stationary System

Mobile System

Author:  karaokemeister [ Fri Sep 03, 2004 2:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lots of upgrades since I started...

RSQ-MV333 player (same as the JVC)
Soundcraft Compact 10 Mixer
Apex 600a DVD player (I have some karaoke DVDs)
Fender PD-250
Fender P-51/Shure PG-58 mics
Peavey Twin DeltaFEX effects on the way (ordered)
Sony Vaio Laptop w/ 200GB external drive for music
Up to approx 3000 unique karaoke tracks now
Fender Speaker stands (very nice and very handy)

Powered speakers or amp/speakers are next...

Author:  brainchild [ Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Lonman, how would I incorporate the DBX 266XL compressor and Alesis Midi 4 effects processor iinto my setup? Would that improve my sound drastically especially the vocals? I really need help on improving my vocals and I am willing to do anything as far as buying any other equipment. I dont know what I'm doing or not doing. Please Help!


Author:  Lonman [ Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

brainchild wrote:
Lonman, how would I incorporate the DBX 266XL compressor and Alesis Midi 4 effects processor iinto my setup? Would that improve my sound drastically especially the vocals? I really need help on improving my vocals and I am willing to do anything as far as buying any other equipment. I dont know what I'm doing or not doing. Please Help!


Well, the compressor would connect via the "insert" jacks. You will use an "Insert Y Cable". This is a stereo 1/4" plug on one end & 2 1/4" plugs on the other end. The stereo end will plug into the insert of the mic channel & the 1/4" plug marked tip will plug into the input of the compressor, the 1/4" plug marked ring will plug into the output. You would then do the same for the other mic channel.
The Midiverb would plug into the EFX send/return loop. Send would go to the Left input on the Midiverb while the left & right outputs on the Midi would go to the left & right return on the Mackie. Now i'm not exactly sure if that will defeat the internal effects or not - it technically shouldn't so you would be able to run a multi effect if desired - like reverb on the internal & a chorus or delay on the midi.

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