Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

New Feature Suggestion / Ignore Feature
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Author:  SMs GONE [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  New Feature Suggestion / Ignore Feature

I understand that there are some members of this site that don't particularly get along well with certain other members. While there are new members coming from another site, this site may end up losing some current members as a result of that. I'd hate to see that happen.

Phil, How much trouble would it be to develop an "ignore" feature? That way, members could simply add other members, that they may not get along with particularly well, to their "ignore" list. Then, neither member would see the other member at all. Just a thought.


Author:  Phill Cross [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Let me see what I can come up with...

No promises... but I may create something...

Keep the ideas flowing...

BTW - we should welcome all to the site regardless of where they came from. They are now part of this site, obviously they thought that you folks were a better bunch to hang out with. :)

Author:  dumbdrums [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:10 am ]
Post subject: 

i like this idea..........
i only hope i wasnt the inspiration for it........seems like the timing for this proposal is pretty tied into my arrival over here....if i am the cause of this debate someone please pm me and ill go back to where i came from....

Author:  milo [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey, I hope I'm not the cause either! I'm active in 4 different forums and find myself spreading myself too thin so I'm looking for a home base so to speak. I felt very, very welcome here and this site has just about all the features I'm looking for...so please, please if anyone decides to leave on my account please PM and let me know so we can work it out. I can't think of anyone that would, mind you, but ya never know! :cry:

Edited to correct spelling, didn't change nuthin' else! :)

Author:  Gilly [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Being quite new here.. I was a little saddened to read that an ignore feature would even be needed.. actually, lol, a couple people that told me about this place said the best thing about it, was that there were no petty fights, and that it wasn't like another day at the daycare, however I can see that not everyone can get along...etc:) Hoping that coming from another site doesn't anger long term members here... Hope that an ignore feature isn't REALLY needed.. (however, talking to my husband while reading this, he says that he wishes he had an ignore feature for me, at home.... :) YOu might simply want to add an "ignore gilly" button:)

Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:35 am ]
Post subject: 

First let me say that all the new folks (and returning) folks who have been showing up so far have been nothing but Respectful to me , as well as a real contribution of great talent and info to the site over all , however I know that in the past (albeit) the Distant past there have been a couple of original members to THIS site that I would have used this feature with.=) so Yep I voted yes on this poll. With the wide range of personalities in the world---(See web) you never know ,and I think it would save the staff (Phill and the Mods) ...(hey that sounds like a British Pop group lol) .here a bunch of time spent dealing with any problems that we might have with one another,Should those problems arise. I think it's a great idea who's time has come...Good luck with it Phill!

Author:  ritisroo [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Sorry....not to step on toes...but I voted no. I think that an ignore button is going to cause a lot more bad than good.

I mean, there are the obvious jerks who come and try to push people around and say rude, mean things (and they are usually not around for very long).

I do, however, think that if you "ignore" someone from your subs, it is only going to cause more grief as then they are going to come here to the forums and question why and start arguments (especially if they feel they were being constructive, and did not realize that it was something you thought was hurtful).

I truly think that is if someone is hurting you on your subs, then PM/email phil, and let him do the talking (I know he has always been there when I needed him).

Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 9:09 am ]
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For me at least , I welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticsm , we are (for the most part (See dumbdrums , and maybe soon Heather) , not proffesional recording artists.) and in the past I've had posts that were givin10's across the boards , as I remember the song was givin 7 tens.then someone gave it a "2" with NO comment. I pm'd this person and VERY respectfully asked why he felt that that sub deserved a 2 with no comments left....his response was to curse and say that if it deserves a 2 , then that's what it gets,,,then he procedes to give ALL my subs REAL low numbers. This was a Looooonnngg while back,but that's one reason I feel some may make use of this function.

Author:  Sheree [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 9:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm not sure how this feature would be implemented... is it just on our songs? I think this is just going to cause more problems than solve! :cry: I certainly can't think of anybody I would want to ignore... and I would feel awful to think I am on someone's ignore list.... that will just cause hurt feelings! Especially if I am on the list simply because I am a member at another site. I don't have any bad feelings for anybody over there OR over here! I know there are people here that don't get along... but I believe for the most part... that is simply because of stupid misunderstandings. Putting someone on an ignore list will just add to that and nothing will ever get accomplished. It will promote segregation and groups. I voted no because I believe we all need to communicate .... not ignore other's. If someone has a serious problem with someone they should take it to PM or talk to Phill about it! If someone is being extremely rude... it should be dealt with! I think if we all start ignoring each other with the push of a button... that will just cause more bad feelings.



Author:  dumbdrums [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:10 am ]
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:roll: (ignoring sheraokee.................)
see , we dont need no stinkin buttons...............

Author:  Sheree [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

I heard that!!!!

Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:33 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't see why anyone would resort to crying to Phill , or the mods about a problem they have with any other member , when I had my run-in with the other person Phill asked me to give him this persons name , and he would have a talk with them. I would NEVER resort to rating on someone here (so Phil could fight my battle for me)no matter what they did ....IT'S ONLY words after all!. whatever happened then was between ME and HIM . if I choose to play the arguing game so be it , however I chose to just IGNORE this person and he has done the same with me. all is well. ohh well whatever you guyz decide , I'm fine with that too. L8er , Denny

Author:  Sheree [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:22 am ]
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Yeah.... poor Phill... as if he isn't busy enough!!! :shock: I guess I'm just sayin' ... if you are having a problem with someone... there has got to be a better way to deal with it than pushing a button. It just makes it too easy to ignore someone who you might later become very good friends with once you get to know them! Some first impressions might not be accurate! Besides... as many of us have seen... if someone is out to get you... they will find a way... as for low ratings... that is Phill's department.. a simpler way to remedy that is to not get rated... that way noone can ruin a perfectly good day for ya!

By the way... I would hate to see anybody leave!

Author:  dumbdrums [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:30 am ]
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Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:33 am ]
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:roll: :wink:

Author:  Sheree [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:40 am ]
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I heard that... AGAIN!!! MOM?!!!!!!! Lalalalalalalala.........


Author:  Tony Sotomayor [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Friends: :roll:
You see, this takes us back to the rating game played out here. If people are interested in knowing if they're a 10 or a 7 or a 5 and so on... then that's what they have to put up with. Do like Sheree, myself and so many others, concentrate on singing to the best of your ability and have fun with it. Ratings at one time or another will spoil everything for you.
As for people coming in from wherever, I say "THE MORE THE MERRIER".
As for people with bad attitudes, they will eventually be ignored.
PEACE!!! :)

Author:  dumbdrums [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:46 am ]
Post subject: 

ahhhhhhhhhh sheraokee talked to me......(sigh)..she noticed me !!!
im gonna write her name all over my algebra notebook (sigh)

Author:  ritisroo [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:47 am ]
Post subject: 

KJ Denndogg wrote:
I don't see why anyone would resort to crying to Phill , or the mods about a problem they have with any other member , when I had my run-in with the other person Phill asked me to give him this persons name , and he would have a talk with them. I would NEVER resort to rating on someone here (so Phil could fight my battle for me)no matter what they did ....IT'S ONLY words after all!. whatever happened then was between ME and HIM . if I choose to play the arguing game so be it , however I chose to just IGNORE this person and he has done the same with me. all is well. ohh well whatever you guyz decide , I'm fine with that too. L8er , Denny

You are right, but you have to remember, some people don't give up. I mean, if some person wrote "you suck" on my sub, I would probably PM him and ask him to stop, or please not comment if it is going to be like that.

So fine, then that person keeps harassing my subs, harassing my PM's harassing my email..etc, etc. So, in that case, Phil would have to be involved. Sorry, not going to take that. (which was what I was talking about in the first place.....should have elaborated, sorry).

Now, if someone wrote something on my sub that I disagreed with and we sorted it out or own way (through PM or whatever) and were civil about it then there is no need for him to get involved.

I don't think having an ignore button would solve the problems, and as Sheraokee said, I would be mortified if I was on someone's ignore list, and that would probably stop me commenting at all for fear of being on someone else's ignore list. What fun is that.

Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I see yer point Ris... and it is well taken , personally I don't care if this is implimented or not. whatever the people decide is hunky dory wiff me :wink:

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