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Translation of Der Vogelfanger bin ich ja
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Author:  Rising_Phoenix [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Translation of Der Vogelfanger bin ich ja

First, I want to thank Tammy and Emma for suggesting that I post the lyrics to my songs.

Anyway, I was trying to do some sight-reading and ran across this fun little piece (not exactly knowing what it would translate to----ooops). Hope you guys enjoy. As I said before, this is in my extreme lower range and probably should have sung it up an octave where it would have been much easier, but it wouldn't have the same impact; so here it is in the original key and octave as written for a baritone.

Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja -- Papageno's aria from Die Zauberflöte

The birdcatcher I am indeed,
Always happy, heidi heh hey!
I, the birdcatcher, am well known
To old and young throughout the land.
Know how to get around the bird decoys
And be understood on the fife.
Therefore I can be happy and funny,
For all the birds are indeed mine.

The birdcatcher I am indeed,
Always happy, heidi heh hey!
I, the birdcatcher, am well-known
To old and young throughout the land.
A net for girls is what I would like;
I¹d catch them by the dozen for me!
Then I would lock them up with me
And all the girls would be mine.

If all the girls were mine,
Then I¹d dutifully trade for some sugar.
The one I liked the best,
To her I would immediately give the sugar.
And if she kissed me tenderly then,
She would be my wife and I her husband.
She would fall asleep by my side;
I would rock her to sleep like a child.

Author:  Tammy [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  ty

Thankyou for posting these lyrics...they are lovely,I see the story now,it really does help to know the lyrics,then I can understand the emotion in the song as you sing it..Thanks so much for sharing the lyrics :-)

Author:  JazzyBaggz [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:30 am ]
Post subject: 

This is a great aria that I haven't heard for a long time.. you sure pick some good ones! I think it is a great idea to post the translated lyrics to help people better connect with the song. It's easy to connect to the beauty of the music, but the words help you connect on a deeper level of understanding. Kudos 2 ya, and I'll try to remember to do the same when I ever decide to do a song in another language...

ohhhh and I hate to bother you about it DM, but I'm not sure if a pm I sent you went through or not, so if ya could let me know, i'd sure appreciate it :) thanks!

ohh and I figured out who you were... miss DragonLady from over "there" ;) and it seems we have a new DL here. That confused me at first, of course, it's not hard to confuse me lol


Author:  Dragonlady [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  So you're the other DragonLady

I just realized today where I had seen the other DragonLady, I had initially thought it was here. It has caused some confusion, LOL I went to that "other site" a few weeks ago, I think the reason I didn't join was because my nickname was already taken! I just can't bring myself to be anyone else! LOL

Author:  Atomic [ Sat Sep 25, 2004 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey DM... are you dragon lady from "the other side"???

Did you ever do that Mozart piece I sent you the music for? I'd love to hear it :)

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