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Nashville Karaoke
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Author:  purpletib [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Nashville Karaoke

So, I am in Nashville right now. And Music City has really blown me away. I encountered something interesting though. At one karaoke bar on Friday, we got there at ten and put in a slip. It was two hours before we got up. At first glance, I would think this bar had a pirate system. Why? No books, and when I asked I was told they have over 100,000 songs so anything I want to sing they will have. Plus, almost every song that came up was Sound Choice. But something really strange was happening at this bar...tip to skip. They encouraged tipping to bump your spot in the rotation. One guy was up 3 times before I got up because of this. In the end, my girlfriend and I spotted a $20 (something a few of the singers had done) and were up next to sing Time Of My Life and had the whole bar singing along.

We worked our way to the next bar and once again, no books. The host said the rotation would run until close, so a no go to sing here. We went to go back tonight and try a couple other karaoke bars too, but there were TWICE as many people downtown and we drove around for half an hour unable to find anywhere to park. But at least I got a chance to sing in Nashville. As far as this tip to skip thing, what do you guys think? I have never heard of such a thing, and the patrons didn't seem to mind. Something like this would probably only work at an insanely busy show, maybe even only in a tourist town, but who knows? It was an interesting experience to say the least....

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

I just crossed off Karaoke in Nashville off of my Bucket List. Thanks for the warning.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

That's a Friday night downtown. Go on a weekday or to a suburb and it is a different story.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

Here's the deal.....if you want to say you sang in downtown Nashville.....this is the way it is, and that's what it's all about.....vanity comes at a price..... :)

Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

Tip to Skip, not good. Here in Knoxville on occasion I will get singers that frequent Nashville and I am offered the Tip to Skip but that is not the way I operate. Sometime I get grumblers and then I will offer them a skip for a price, try $500. No takers yet!

As for having 100k songs, dunno but makes you wonder. Legal?

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

Only ONE hundred Thousand?? What a lousy pirate! LOL

Author:  ripman8 [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

I guess I can understand the tip thing considering it is downtown Nashville, famous for singers. Who knows, maybe scouts hang out there? I will never do it (host in that manner) however I would have tipped once to say I did it. I've been there a couple times but was barely a teenager. Pretty cool town.

As for the 100 grand songs, shame on them! Why isn't SC checking THEM out????

Author:  purpletib [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

I figure a town like Nashville is the only one that could get away with something like that. CRAZY. Normally I would never tip to sing, but it is one of those times when I was like, hell, I drove 9 hours to be here, and sat here for two hours to sing once, why not? I am sure that is how it is for a lot of the singers. Don't get me wrong, I loved the experience. I do shows six nights a week and I am getting burned out. This is the first time in a long time i actually felt the adrenaline rush of being on a stage in front of people singing. i recommend everyone try it once.

Author:  crazyface [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

purpletib wrote:
I figure a town like Nashville is the only one that could get away with something like that. CRAZY. Normally I would never tip to sing, but it is one of those times when I was like, hell, I drove 9 hours to be here, and sat here for two hours to sing once, why not? I am sure that is how it is for a lot of the singers. Don't get me wrong, I loved the experience. I do shows six nights a week and I am getting burned out. This is the first time in a long time i actually felt the adrenaline rush of being on a stage in front of people singing. i recommend everyone try it once.

I'd tip in Nashville, as has been said, just to say I'd done, but ONLY in Nashville and I'd do a duet with the misses so I'd only have to tip once!!!!!! :lol:

Author:  MrBoo [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

I went to a place in New Orleans to hang out and they had top shelf karaoke. Someone there told me new singers had to audition before they would even be considered. I don't know if tips were involved. I think they had a practice booth as well so singers could warm up for their up coming songs or something of the sort. The stage, lighting and sound were incredible and the place was packed.

I never took tips except for one time. The lady didn't even sing and she always requested I sing Hootie for her. She forced a 20 in my pocket and told me not to say another word. I didn't take tips because my shows were run so that anyone could feel comfortable singing and that meant treating everyone exactly the same. I think it's hard to do that if you are taking tips to bump. I felt that taking tips at all made it look like bumping could happen.

If I were to host on a strip that had a ton of talent close by, I would certainly consider doing something similar to New Orleans. Tipping to get an audition would probably be a part of it.

Author:  chrisavis [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

I accept tips, but they don't influence rotation. I average $30-$50/night in tips.

I have been to many bar over the years though where a 5 spot was all that was needed to move you up in the list. Not something I agree with, but I am not running the show.


Author:  johnny reverb [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

The only rule, is there are no rules. You can run you're karaoke anyway you want, and the only recourse for a singer, is not going to a show, that you don't like the way it's run.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

chrisavis wrote:
I accept tips, but they don't influence rotation. I average $30-$50/night in tips.
I used to get around that much, but over the years, tippers faded. Be lucky to get a couple bucks anymore.

Author:  Cueball [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

chrisavis wrote:
I accept tips, but they don't influence rotation. I average $30-$50/night in tips.

TIPS??? What's that?

For the most part, in NY, there's no such thing as tipping the KJ.... just bribes. NY KJs don't even have a TIP Jar displayed at their shows (yes, there are a few exceptions, and those KJs are very BLATANT about it).

Author:  Kuelman1 [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nashville Karaoke

I have been to Nashville many times. Used to go there twice a year for vendor training.
Until I read this thread it never occured to me that singing in Nashville was a big deal.
I do agree with others Nashville on the weekend, Be prepared to pay if you want to make
it up to the mic. During the week I never had a problem getting to sing. But every place that I went
to in the area took bribes to move up the rotation.

The best Karaoke places I seen in the area were all in the suburbs around Nashville.
I found them by asking some local singers who gave me a list of the best places to sing.
Downtown area almost all tourists and tip to skip is just part of it. And the kj's annouce that
you can move up for $ almost every other song.

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