Lonman wrote:
Depends on the supply & demand of your area and what other companies are charging in your area. - which you didn't state.
In some areas, the market only pays $50-75 - totally not worth the cost, but some kj's find this totally acceptable.
Around here $100-150 is pretty much the norm anymore with the $150 being on the extreme high scale. If you get multiple nights, this can work out to an ok wage.
Others claim to be able to get $150-250 per show. I'm sure alot less frequently these prices happen. Clubs in this area haven't paid that much in over 10 years.
These are for club prices mind you. Private parties you can usually get 2-5x the club rate. I'll usually start at $400. My best show I had to do full production (lights, special effects, etc.) I charged $1500.
Best thing for you is to make some anonymous calls to the local kj's for some price quotes and what that includes. You can state you are looking to start karaoke in your club but are just shopping around and are not revealing anything name wise yet. Most companies will at least give you a quote - even if it's slightly inflated.
Oh, goodness...one's ability to even read gets drawn into question quite frequently in this forum, much less without a blatant example for these folks to feed on...