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"Gender Bender" karaoke
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Author:  karaoke koyote [ Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  "Gender Bender" karaoke

Been having a lot of fun with this one on my karaoke nights. You sort of have to feel out your singers to really pull this off. I start asking a few rotations before I do it, to see who might be interested, and then the rotation before start announcing it.

"Gender bender" being where guys sing girl's songs, girls sing guys songs. I think its probably funnier for some reason when guys sings girl's songs though...

It seems easier to get girls to sing guy's songs... but if you have the right group this is a real crowd pleaser with whole bar getting into it.

Anyone else doing this?

Author:  Kirks Karaoke [ Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Gender Bender" karaoke

karaoke koyote wrote:
Been having a lot of fun with this one on my karaoke nights. You sort of have to feel out your singers to really pull this off. I start asking a few rotations before I do it, to see who might be interested, and then the rotation before start announcing it.

"Gender bender" being where guys sing girl's songs, girls sing guys songs. I think its probably funnier for some reason when guys sings girl's songs though...

It seems easier to get girls to sing guy's songs... but if you have the right group this is a real crowd pleaser with whole bar getting into it.

Anyone else doing this?

All the ladies do Guy songs, but the guys don't do lady song too much around here. I try to show how to do them. True genderbender are to change the words from a girl to a guy song - her for him and the like. On the fly that's not so easy as it sounds.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Gender Bender" karaoke

I don't do it "officially" but every now and then someone will want to do one or there is a good potential victim for a surprise. I have "wardrobe" to help them out, including a pair of Mardi Gras fake boobs.

Once two males were singing "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" and I stuck the Helicon "female voice" on one of them and he caught on to how it worked and was hitting high notes only a dog could hear. The audience was about in tears from laughing and the funny thing was they didn't catch on that it was machine enhanced. They thought it was all him.

Author:  ed g [ Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Gender Bender" karaoke

Years ago we did a "theme" night once a month in a the bar we played every friday, saturday. When we decided on a gender bender night the regulars took it seriously. 80 people in bar, which was capacity. Almost every woman was in a man's business suit with a fake mustache or beard, and every guy was in a skirt. Only problem was the bar was attached to a bowling center and the only bathrooms were at the opposite end of the building in the bowling center. The "parade" all night to mens and ladies rooms was priceless.

Author:  jclaydon [ Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Gender Bender" karaoke

I once did a cher song in a dress and a wig. My friends thought it was hilarious, the rest of the bar.. not so much

Oh well

But ya, I do a lot of female songs.

I'm alive - Celine Dion
Only Hope -Mandy Moore

a bunch of others that I can't remember at the moment.

and last night the host made me sing "i love myself today' by Biff Naked. That actually got a really good audience response for some reason.


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