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Songbook DB Performance report
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Author:  karaoke koyote [ Sat May 10, 2014 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Songbook DB Performance report

Have to post this, just because I was so very pleased with the service the other night.

I deejay and do karaoke for Spirit Cruises in Baltimore, Md. With cruises, when I do karaoke, its a charter cruise for a specific group. That night I had a performing arts high school, with 83 students.

I set up my extra laptop as a Kiosk, with a specific table, and instructions I had made up myself.

I had a BUNCH of people singing... way more than I would ever get at a bar night.. large groups. The kiosk was a godsend. The kids lined up, quickly found their songs and signed up. Some came up to me directly... which was fine... but I didn't have a big line of kids at my dee jay booth to request songs... they were at the request table... and things flowed very smoothly, and everyone had a great time.

Thank you Songbooddb! lol.

Author:  singsong [ Mon May 12, 2014 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Songbook DB Performance report

did any of them smoke on stage? !!

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