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Weather Proofing Outdoor Speaker cabinets and speakers
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Author:  Swampy [ Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Weather Proofing Outdoor Speaker cabinets and speakers

Here's a new one - I bought a used DJ trailer (See Pic) from a bankrupt radio station. Speaker cabinets have hard plastic type outside to them and are all cracked. I currently am using black ducktape to seal them.

Since this is a mobile dj trailer and reaches speeds of 60mph when traveling what would be some suggestions on fabrics to cover this that can tolerate the weather and high winds?

Secondly, these house 12 inch speakers inside of them and the current weatherproofing is wrapping them in a plastic garbage bag. Any other suggestions?

This is my 1st year in the business and have followed many suggestions here on obtaining my equipment. Business has taken off faster than I expected and I haven't had a weekend off in 2 full months.

Thanks in advance once again. I know this is gotta be a new one.

Swampy :x

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Weather Proofing Outdoor Speaker cabinets and speakers

Swampy wrote:
Speaker cabinets have hard plastic type outside to them and are all cracked. I currently am using black ducktape to seal them.
Since this is a mobile dj trailer and reaches speeds of 60mph when traveling what would be some suggestions on fabrics to cover this that can tolerate the weather and high winds?
Secondly, these house 12 inch speakers inside of them and the current weatherproofing is wrapping them in a plastic garbage bag. Any other suggestions?
Swampy :x

First to fix crack I would maybe get some kind of plastic filler (actually i'd replace them if it were me, cracks only get worse and don't help on the sound). But if repairing is the only option then get a plastic filler that will harden up. Then after you get the cracks all filled & set - this is going to sound strange - but see if you can get a coating or 2 of the Line-X Spray-On bedliner. It will help weatherproof the cabinets & will actually aid a little in the sound dampening on the cabinet in general. Plus it may even look kind of cool.
Second, insted of plastic bags, get a custom made tarp, a little more durable.

Author:  EElvis [ Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:33 am ]
Post subject: 

NAPA sells a repair epoxy like substance toat will fix the cracks. after it is mixed, it gets hot and effectively WELDS the plastic back together.

Author:  Swampy [ Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Speakers on outside just cosmetic

The speakers on the outside of the trailer are just cosmetic. The speaker fronts screw out and I actually have 4 12" speakers inside. Those are self contained. The inside speakers are wrapped with a plastic garbage bag-I think that was their weatherproofing system.

The outside speaker cabinets are cracking. They are only cosmetic. It is these that I want to cover with something durable.

From the reply above I think I'll contact JBL and see if they'd like to "work something out" in the way of providing custom speaker covers with JBL logo's on outside. Good advertisement for them. Hmmmmm? I think I'll give it a try.

Open to other suggestions :)

Author:  karaokemeister [ Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Couple different ways to go here.

Build a custom face that attaches similar to the travel boxes for DJ equipment. Couple latches on each side to drop them off.

Contact the local upholstery shop and have them make a slip cover to drop over them. Don't forget grommets at the bottom for attaching to the trailer. You can make the slip covers from almost anything - a nylon tarp material or even canvas. Stich on your logo/contact info for that 'special touch'.

For the boxes, I'd consider using either a two part epoxy (like Marin-Tex), Fiberglass type filler (fill w/ 'bondo' and use fiberglass cloth to cover the repair - paint w/ textured paint or sealant) or plastic welding. Yes, Plastic welding. Check with your local Harbor Freight - they have plastic welding equipment including the rods. Make sure the cabinets are plastic first. They might be fiberglass.

BTW, you usually want to stick with using the same material to repair with if possible so that it doesn't chip out when expsosed to temperature extremes.

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