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Author:  Lee [ Tue Nov 02, 2004 3:52 am ]
Post subject:  TIMEOUT!!

yeah...i think im gonna take a Time out from submitting for a while....ill probably submit the odd one everynow and then....but im not gonna go submitting multiple songs a day anymore....i dont really see the point in doing that now....judging by the amout of views i get and the amount of comments i get....its just not worth me wasting my time....ill still be about from time to time to listen....but i definately need a break....and by the looks of it....and looking at my views again...looks like you guys need a break from me also :)

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:12 am ]
Post subject: 

sorry guy. I can only listen Tues-Friday nights... other than that, I can only get into the regular bboard.

I will admit I too am not gettig the listeners I used to get... place has gotten terribly busy as of late.

Oh well... Such is Life!

I'll miss you! Stay in touch, huh?

Author:  Lee [ Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:05 am ]
Post subject: 

hi knightshow...im not going alltogether...i will stilll submit.......just not as much as i have been......i think it is probably a bit much when people scroll down the page and see your name there 4 or 5 times in 1 day..lol.....so..im just going to cut down....maybe like put 1 or 2 songs everyother day or every few days...if you know what i mean...im confusing myself typing this here...lol

Author:  ok What Now [ Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  hi

hey beatle mania is here on the gulfcoast, i might check it out...

Author:  Rob Ward [ Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Beatles man, I think that is a very good idia, considering the amount of members we have on hear and the quality of subs Latley..
I find it a real struggle trying to keep up with all the subs that I want to hear, I think it would be cool if you just posted at least one a day, that way it would give me a little more time to get to other subs as well.
I think multi subs like you have been doing would be real good, if i had like a whole full day spare where I could sit at the comp and listen to you one after the other, but for me and im sure others this can not be possible, Please dont be to hard on yourself after all the hard work you say you have put into your subs, and not being very happy with the comments, I am sure that the reason for this is only just a time factor for most members.
chin up buddy :)

Author:  Genise [ Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

mr mccartney, it's nothing personal, you look at anyone who subs multiple subs and their songs never get as many rates...ive only ever put 2 songs up in 1 day thats all my membership allows but even if i do that, normally there is 1 which doesn't seem to do as well as the other...it's peoples time...time is limited for most of us cause of other commitments and that is i believe the reason why...if i am also totally honest ...seeing 4 and 5 subs a day to me is a little off putting, you can get too much of a good thing....sorry just being honest....but def keep subbing reg mr mccartney this place won't be the same without our beatles fix :-)

Author:  Melly [ Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Shew....don't SCARE me like that...Good to know you're still going to put some up!! :D

Author:  Tony Sotomayor [ Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey BT:
I think you are doing a very smart thing. Only retirees or the unemployed are able to handle the load of listens coming in every single day. Well, I'll take some of that back and say that not even those members are able to do it, considering also the commenting, replying, recording and submitting involved.
That was a desicion I also made a while back ago. I didn't like the idea of putting my subs in competition within themselves because to me each song I post have a very special place in my heart.
Another aspect that you brought up was also a big concern of mine. That is to give our friends plenty of breathing space to make their listening experience more enjoyable when they do listen. It shows consideration not to burden our friends with a bombardment of subs.
From my personal experience I have found that 2 or 3 songs per week works just fine for me. More than that will take away some response from the subs.
You are a singer with a mission and it is one that I would like for you to continue. The Beatles still rule!!! So, once again, you are doing the right thing, my friend. :)

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