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Anyone know anything about Blue Condensor Mics?
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Author:  Guest [ Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Anyone know anything about Blue Condensor Mics?

I am thinking about buying a Dragonfly.. Just wondering if anyone else owned one or knew anything about them.. Is the Blueberry better for female vocals than the Dragonfly? What is your opinion? Please respond!!!

Author:  hitwtom [ Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:23 am ]
Post subject: 

High dollar stuff for hobby or home recording? Blueberry would be my choice for that kind of money.

Author:  TESLANY [ Sun Nov 14, 2004 6:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I've used the Cactus and the Bottle in the blue Lineup, the Bottle is an outstanding mic but it carries 4K+ price tag. The midrange blue stuff I’ve heard mostly good but mixed reviews. Remember a mic will only sound as good as the gear you run it through so there's a lot of gray area.
Before you go and spend money on a midrange Blue, check out some of the low-end condenser mics. Don't get me wrong the Dragonfly and Blueberry are good mics for the money but if the rest of your equipment(preamps, compressors, etc) are not up to par, the mic is not going to perform at it's full potential.

Depending on what equipment you are running it through and your level of expertise you may not know the difference. One great low-end condenser mic is the Studio Projects C1, Audio Technica, Octava and Shure also make some descent low-end mics. After getting the feel for using a condenser mic properly then you look at the mid to higher end mics.

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