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Please Explain????
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Author:  Lee [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Please Explain????

can you please explain why Menephes post was deleted.......i think it is bang out of order that you just deleted it like that....all he was doing was letting all his friends know that he was going and how much he appreciated everyone kindness during his time here....what was so wrong with that....i will tell you whats wrong with it.......NOTHING.....you were wrong to delete it....no doubt you will delete this also.......so...im outta here aswell.....im sticking with my proper true friend.

Author:  Lee [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:34 am ]
Post subject: 

ok...seeing as this is not important enough for you to do....please will you cancel my sbscription ASAp....thanks.

Author:  Genise [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:35 am ]
Post subject: 

mr mccartney...read my thread rob pasted his reply to everyone in there cause it wasn't just rob's thread which was deleted...there were a few :-)

Author:  Lee [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:45 am ]
Post subject: 

ok...i read that.......but still....its wrong that these post were deleted....they werent offensive in anyway.....its wrong to just go doing stuff like that.......i would still like my subscription cancelled please....asap....sure, you will all miss rob....and i hope he does comeback one day....but give it a week and you will all have forgotten about me.....anyway, rob has my full suport, hes my best friend...and ill always stick by him whatever he decides to do....i told him that i would leave quietly...but with his post just being removed like that...it made me angry.....ive nothing more to say.

Author:  Genise [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

mr mccartney don't be too hasty ok sweetie....you have also made friends here...and you are just as much valued as rob and any other member...yes your right there was no need to have the treads deleted and i am sure there will be an explanation soon enough....and how can we forget ya!! god we all need our beatles and buddy tributes :-) as well as elvis! :-)

Author:  Sheree [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Now YOU Buddy? What the heck! :shock: Perhaps poor Phill is just trying to nip things in the bud... I'm sure he has got his work cut out for him... I mean... sounds like DEE chimed in and perhaps that was the final straw for him. Things can get outta hand rather quickly as MANY of us here have experienced first hand.. seems this thread is gonna be next... so why am I typing this.... :roll:

Thank you Connie... just got your email... gonna read it now! :wink:

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