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Mixer Confusion... Please Help...
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Author:  pelicaninflight [ Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Mixer Confusion... Please Help...

I just upgraded from a single tray VocoPro CDG player to a Numark CDN25+G. I currently use a VocoPro DA-1000 Pro mixer, which I'm upgrading into the VocoPro KJ6000. Now... here is my question....

I just recently discovered this forums, which are an excellent source of information, but I'm confused regarding mixers. I see that some of you recommend audio mixers by Mackie and others to handle Karaoke players, but how do you switch video source? In the VocoPro, there is a single switch that lets you switch audio/video sources, how do you do that in the regular mixers? Thanks in advace for your help!

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:32 am ]
Post subject: 

most of us that have mulitple players use the a/b switches... at least, most of us that have openly spoken about this stuff!

Author:  Guest [ Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:08 am ]
Post subject: 

just to be different I happen to use a B/A switch between my players.
I use two players with a Peavey 600G powered mixer.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mixer Confusion... Please Help...

pelicaninflight wrote:
I just upgraded from a single tray VocoPro CDG player to a Numark CDN25+G. I currently use a VocoPro DA-1000 Pro mixer, which I'm upgrading into the VocoPro KJ6000. Now... here is my question....

I just recently discovered this forums, which are an excellent source of information, but I'm confused regarding mixers. I see that some of you recommend audio mixers by Mackie and others to handle Karaoke players, but how do you switch video source? In the VocoPro, there is a single switch that lets you switch audio/video sources, how do you do that in the regular mixers? Thanks in advace for your help!

All players audio plugs into the mixer as normal, then you use a external video switch from Rat Shack to switch video. It's great the VP systems have a built in video source switch, unfortuneately that's about the only good that has come out of them.

Author:  hutchdeluxe [ Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just figured this out too. The guys who get really tricky with lots of TVs hooked up probably patch into the house video distribution system for cable and closed-circuit TV, or use an RF modulator and those cable-TV splitters.

I am planning to buy that same Numark, and I think I'll do it this way: a plain switchbox between the two player video outputs, and then a simple y-adapter from there to connect two TVs. I think I want a kill-switch on one side of the y-adapter, though, so people won't see me fumbling to cue a song on the big screen! That's what the a booth TV is for. Hmm, sounds like I might be breaking out the soldering iron to build it all in one little box.

Author:  karaokemeister [ Fri Dec 10, 2004 1:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I got a little tricky on this. I took two a/b/c/d switchboxes and stacked them. I used standard RCA splitters (1F->2M) and plugged the 2 Male ends into the switchboxes. I plugged each source into the female pigtail. Then use the output off one box to a small LCD screen in the booth for cueing up songs and the output off the other box goes to an RF convertor that drives my main displays.

I hope this description makes sense.

The main advantage is it allows me to view any input on my local monitor while not having to change the one for the rest of the venue. Another 'feature' of this setup is that I can use either composite or RF to drive the bar's displays. I have the additional inputs so I can feed videos or visualizations to another set of screens if need be.

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have my video to TWO a/b switches. SO it comes out of the player in a Y switch.

One is for the customer's TV.
The other is for MY tv.

IF I have to queue up a song on a DVD, I use my TV. Once queued, then I switch over the customer's tv output on the OTHER switch.

Since I don't normally need to see mine, I only keep my switch on the dvd player.

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