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PC problem with Stereo Mix?
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Author:  Karaoke Croaker [ Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  PC problem with Stereo Mix?

I have been using the Stereo Mix feature on my desktop for quite awhile to record some of my friend's youtube singing posts and facebook posts. All of a sudden, The recording volume keeps resetting itself back to zero. Sometimes it works for 30 seconds or more and sometimes it reverts back to zero almost immediately. While searching for an explanation for this, I came across a few posts where people have said that it is a plan of Microsoft to keep people from recording live streaming audio from the internet. It seems as if one of the MS updates has sabotaged my sound card some how. Fortunately, I made a clone of my hard drive about a year ago and put it away for safe keeping. Here's the funny part. When I connect the clone as the C Drive; the stereo mix function works perfectly as it always had in the past. This tells me that there is not a problem with the motherboard's sound device. When I switch the hard drives back; the problem returns. I'm afraid if I keep the clone drive connected the next MS update may disable the Stereo Mix function on that drive as well. Has anyone ever come across this problem? Does anyone have any idea how to fix it? I've copied all of the settings for the sound device from the clone drive to the main drive and I still have the same problem. I'm led to believe that one of the updates has done something to disable the Stereo Mix function. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  karaokeniagarafalls [ Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PC problem with Stereo Mix?

Something to keep in mind that many pc users run into is the onboard mic that will turn down main volume if too loud.

Try disabling the onboard mic, turn up you volume and should be good to go.

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