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Mini-CDG Player?
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Author:  pelicaninflight [ Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Mini-CDG Player?

Folks... I made the mistake of going into Best Buy to buy a last minute present (my daughter wanted the Spongebob Soundtrack for her B-Day) what a mad house! Anyways... I was browsing... yes... only browsing... Best Buy is not the cheapest place to buy...

Anyway... I saw a little DVD/CD player... a little square thing..., it obviously doesn't play CDG's graphic side... But it would be neat to have a very small and portable unit.

1) As a back up.
2) For small house parties at my friends of family when I don't want to carry the whole rack.
3) Because I love gadgets.

Has any of you seen something like this?


Author:  knightshow [ Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

I've seen a little sucker that's about the size of an X-Box... In fact, I bought one and gave it away as a final present in a ongoing "raffle" type contest I used to run.

Cost about $40. and it DID cd+g format.

Haven't seen a cheap AND small dvd player that will recognize karaoke. Apex is a home player that will see it... most of their stuff will. At least they used to.

Check out the links on the left side... the sponsors. Acekaraoke.com has some cheap units that would be fine for home use, and maybe an emergency backup.

Author:  syberchick70 [ Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mini-CDG Player?

pelicaninflight wrote:
Anyway... I saw a little DVD/CD player... a little square thing..., it obviously doesn't play CDG's graphic side... But it would be neat to have a very small and portable unit.

Went to WalMart yesterday and saw.. well some empty spots on the shelf where there used to be a couple of $29.95 "CD+G Mini Karaoke Players".

They also had a $19.95 one that used cassette tapes. Looked like one of those 'mini-boom boxes' with a fairly cheap plug-in mic. I nearly snagged one for my 6-yr old niece who wants to be a 'rock star', but I decided to wait on one of the CD versions.

Now, even though the $29.95 versions SAID they were 'cd+g' players, I kind of doubt they really were. Probably just basic cd players with a sing-along mic... BUT, it would be cool for a kid to play with because you could make them custom cds and let them sing along for fun.

I wish they hadn't been out of stock so I could have seen if they had hookups for a monitor or something.

Author:  knightshow [ Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

the free one karaoke.com sent me is a mini-box, with video and audio out... meant to go to a larger system i fyou wanted to... but definately for the video!

If it said cd+g, then it really WAS a karaoke cdg player.

a quick search on the net showed:

* Memorex Karaoke System with CD+G Player - MKS2430 for $59.99
* KaraokeCD WK-21 Portable CD+G Karaoke Player for $99.00
* jWIN JX-OK500 5.5" Black & White TV/CD-G Monitor Karaoke with MIC & CD-G/CD/Cassette Player/Recorder & AM/FM Radio Free Shipping for $119.00
* Mixsonic MS988 DVD /VCD /MP3/ Progressive Scan/ Karaoke Player Best Deal! for $69.00.... ((this looked impressive, but may have issues! dunno about that))
* Sound Choice Party Starter CD+G System Item Number: SCPS-1 with a six disc start series, $$119.99
* Voco-Pro CD/CDG/AM/FM/Cassette Portable Karaoke System Item Number: VP - 1800 TSC Price: $99.99

Haven't seen the little players we're talking about, but I know for a fact that they do exist... cause I physically bought one a couple of years ago, and they were flying off the shelves then!

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