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 Post subject: My Holiday Nightmare!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:07 pm 
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OK, so I thought I would share my Holiday nightmare...
I just spent 36 hours with no power!! Which meant.. no heat!! It started Wednesday night, power went out about 9pm....
Keep in mind that although I live in Tn, we had snow and record cold...of course, that would be the night we spent w/o power!!
So, we bundled under blankies and stuck it out Wed night... by the time we woke up, we could see our breath in the house!!!
I have 3 dogs, 3 cats and bird and a fish! I covered the bird because he is the most vulnerable to the cold.. his cage was covered in my down comforter...
My fiancee went to work, and by the time he got home, it was below freezing in the house...still NO POWER (this is now thursday 3:30pm)...At this point, we had to make a decision... we decided to pack up the animals and go to a hotel! Electric co. had no idea when the power would be restored.....
All of our friends were out of town so we couldnt stay with any of them...
At about 6pm we got a hotel room, one of the last ones in the area due to the interstate being backed up for like 60 miles due to ice (im sure some of you heard about the problems in Ky) Had to wait in line for over an hour for the room!! INSANE!
Stayed the night in the hotel, uncomfortable bed! Chris went by the house at like 11pm just to see if by chance they had restored the power... but no.. still none...
Then in the morning, this morning, finally....he went by the house and there was finally power... however, my fish had died!
Sooo.... I am having a crappy christmas to say the least because I was unabe to go do my xmas shopping for my fiance's gifts and with all the chaos and annoyances of the past 36 hours, my xmas spirit is gone.
But, atleast now, the house is warm and my animlas are safe (although we had a toilet memorial for our fish "tigger")
So ok, im done venting...



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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:44 pm 
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That looks like a little dusting. We were hit by two big storms "Hurricane Juan" Sep 03 then "White Juan" Feb 04. In both cases power was out for up to two weeks for a lot of people and just about everyone lost power for at least 24 hrs. Email me for a link to pics of both storms.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:01 pm 
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Lol, ya beat me timberlea:) Heck, I should post pics of what it is like in North Bay... makes me wish I never complained about the darn blizzard in NS;) lol, is that REALLY a LOT of snow to some people?! Lol, that is what it is like in july here. Lol.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:41 pm 
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well Nash, I hate to hear that you're havin' a Bummer Christmas! Sorry 'bout yer fish.... glad that your other animals are ok.
BAH HUMBUG! that makes two of us! I was all excited about not having to buy christmas gifts and stuff this year..... and now that it's Christmas Eve... I'm feelin pretty down that I gotta wake up to a whole lotta nuthin and no family tomorrow morning.........


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:19 am 
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Ohh... I know what a REAL storm is all about... Im originally from NJ...
However, here in Tn...they are never prepared for nothing like this and even though the snow part is a dusting, it is over a layer of pure ICE! It sleeted for like 5 hours and left an ice rink on the roads! And they dont salt the roads which sucks!
Yeah but the storm part was nothing it was the power outage that killed me! But i know if couldve been so much worse and there are still ppl in my area without power! Those poor ppl!
I was being whiney earlier because this whole xmas season has been pretty much icky for me... but im feeling better now that I have warmed up, got my house back in order and had some fun tonight hangin out with my friend and my fiance.
My fiance gave me some cute gifts and we all sat around eating cheese and crackers and spinach dip and cookies and yummy stuff... you know, comfort foods! So i feel a little better now....
I hope everyone has a nice Christmas!


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 4:14 am 
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Hi Nash! Sorry to hear about your frozen Christmas! I can just imagine what that would have felt like, having just this week experienced way below zero temperatures for the first time in my life! Your story reminds me of Christmas eve 1974 when cyclone Tracy demolished the city of Darwin in Australia's northern territory. Many people lost their lives in that one and most of everyone's kids got no presents that year. I remember my daughter (aged 5 at the time) donating her loved teddy bear to the relief fund. I'm glad your power got restored eventually and sorry about your fish. I'm also glad it wasn't a lot worse, which it easily could have been. Maybe next year will bring you a better Christmas :)

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:36 am 
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Crystal wrote:
well Nash, I hate to hear that you're havin' a Bummer Christmas! Sorry 'bout yer fish.... glad that your other animals are ok.
BAH HUMBUG! that makes two of us! I was all excited about not having to buy christmas gifts and stuff this year..... and now that it's Christmas Eve... I'm feelin pretty down that I gotta wake up to a whole lotta nuthin and no family tomorrow morning.........

Aww Crystal!!! (HUGS) You shoulda come down here & spent xmas with us ;) Niece got armloads of stuff (& her first 'real' guitar from me & hubby). Kind of hard for US to get into the xmas spirit too.. being the generally depressive folks that we are, but all told it was pretty cool.

Hubby went all out & bought me a diamond heart necklace :oops:
Kind of makes me feel bad about the Long John Silvers gift certs I got him :p (but he'll enjoy them tomorrow!!). Of course, if we hadn't been so broke I would have gotten him something a little more special.

Well, Merry Xmas from us... we love ya! :)

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:41 am 
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NashvilleSinger wrote:
My fiance gave me some cute gifts and we all sat around eating cheese and crackers and spinach dip and cookies and yummy stuff... you know, comfort foods! So i feel a little better now....
I hope everyone has a nice Christmas!

So sorry to hear about your sucky power outage!! What a shame about your fish. :( I'm glad that your bird made it through though!! Our cats are normally indoor cats, but they're having to stay outside in a large dog crate right now and I feel just horrible about them... well actually they're in a shed in the crate, but it still gets cold enough to freeze their water. :(

I've tried to keep them as warm as possible by wrapping two comforters around their crate, but I know they're miserable. I hope to God we get our own place soon so our 'kids' can be with us and comfortable again!

Sounds like you guys managed to salvage your christmas though... good on ya. :) Warm Fuzzie wishes to you all.

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