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Karaoke too Late and too much smoke?
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Author:  ChetBassetti [ Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Karaoke too Late and too much smoke?

I'd like to see more Karaoke places start a bit sooner...perhaps 7 to 8pm?
By 9 or 9:30 (when most shows start)...I am too tired and ready for bed..if they start earlier..I usually stay late anyway, but, i hate waiting around all day/afternoon/evening to start.
I'd also like it if the bars (where 90% of karaoke is done) were smoke free..or at least in a well-ventilated room..oh well...
(In california that IS the case..here in Reno with the casinos running the show it will be a BIG battle).

Author:  karaokemeister [ Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

In Pensacola, Florida there is a bar that has karaoke - it starts at 8pm and is smoke free. If you're ever there feel free to get in touch with Spankie. :wink:

We have some places here in Alaska that start karaoke at 8pm and that's pretty typical except for the places that do shows only in the summer where they start out at 10 pm or so - but we have daylight until midnight or later for much of the summer..... it sort of balances out (which only makes sense if you've experienced it).

If you look around you'll probably find a place that starts earlier - if not talk with some local places about starting earlier and catering to the older and bolder set (not implying anything here, just letting you know one way to approach the clubs).

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke too Late and too much smoke?

quote="RENOMAN"]I'd like to see more Karaoke places start a bit sooner...perhaps 7 to 8pm?

I'd also like it if the bars (where 90% of karaoke is done) were smoke free..or at least in a well-ventilated room..oh well...

I'm in NY. We have the "no smoking in clubs and taverns" law. It's been a nightmare for most clubs, and we've lost gigs because the law hurt two places so badly that they literally lost their business. Be careful what you wish for!

Our show is billed as a 9pm until 1am show, but we ALWAYS offer a ... "warm-up"... "practice" round (call it what you will) that begins at 8pm. We do this mostly for the crew that has followed the show for years (notice how I've avoided that "older" word :wink: ), and got used to 8pm starts back in the days when entertainment began earlier. We are also frequently asked to stay for an additional hour at the end of the night... as 2am is closing time in this state. However, that requires additional pay.

Merry Christmas! CC (cindy)

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke too Late and too much smoke?

I'd like to see more Karaoke places start a bit sooner...perhaps 7 to 8pm?

I'd also like it if the bars (where 90% of karaoke is done) were smoke free..or at least in a well-ventilated room..oh well...

I'm in NY. We have the "no smoking in clubs and taverns" law. It's been a nightmare for most clubs, and we've lost gigs because the law hurt two places so badly that they literally lost their business. Be careful what you wish for!

Our show is billed as a 9pm until 1am show, but we ALWAYS offer a ... "warm-up"... "practice" round (call it what you will) that begins at 8pm. We do this mostly for the crew that has followed the show for years (notice how I've avoided that "older" word :wink: ), and got used to 8pm starts back in the days when entertainment began earlier. We are also frequently asked to stay for an additional hour at the end of the night... as 2am is closing time in this state. However, that requires additional pay.

Merry Christmas! CC (cindy)

Author:  kjgreg [ Sat Dec 25, 2004 7:12 am ]
Post subject: 

We run 2 night a week at the bar Wednesday starts at 6:00 and go to 10:00pm (smoking allowed). Then on Friday we run from 9:00 to Closing. I try to get to the bar an hour early to setup. Our equip stays in place so it only take about 10 to 15 min. to setup. If there is a few singers ready we will start early.

Wednesday we had a christmas party at the bar and we ended up running from 6:00 to Midnight. and Friday we started a little after 8 and ended at about 1:15. Everyone wanted to to home for Christmas..Go figure :lol:

As for smoke free, you go where the pay is and yes if the ban smokeing it will hurt us.

Author:  KKid [ Sat Dec 25, 2004 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Being a Honky Tonk kinda singer I sing in bars where the smoke hangs heavy. I smoke anyway but I kinda like the way the neon looks through cloud. LOL

I guess it depends on the venue....I'm a night owl.....I've been at places that stay open late and we sing all night....

so maybe the answer is smoke free bars....but you won't see me there

neon...smoke...the smell of stale beer and cheap perfume....gotta love it

where the booze is strong....the music is loud and the women have big hair, too much makeup and tend to be a little easy....

add karaoke and you got heaven

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke too Late and too much smoke?

[quote="Shotgun CCI'm in NY. We have the "no smoking in clubs and taverns" law. It's been a nightmare for most clubs, and we've lost gigs because the law hurt two places so badly that they literally lost their business. Be careful what you wish for![/quote]

They tried that here as well (in our county only). Put at least 3 clubs out of business (I lost a mobile show from it), killed the live entertainment (karaoke/live bands/dj), only thing that helped me was that the club I work in is on tribal grounds so the smoking laws couldn't be enforced there (in any of the bars or casinos) - thus we gained unbelieveable amounts of business. Downside for the singers was we were averaging anywhere from 20-30 singers & it shot up to 40-50 singers per night in SRO situations. We were actually turning people away at some points in the night.
They have since repealed the law but are now trying to push for it to be statewide. We are back down to our normal crowds - although we did gain a bunch of new regulars from that whole ordeal.

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yup..... we were doing three shows a night... that put us down to one ('till the summer... then we'll go back up to 3 or so again). And... because we now are only doing the one show... we have enormous crowds. We've had nights where singers have only been able to sing 1 or 2 songs in a five hour show! We used to average around 20-25 singers a night, but now we get in the upper 40's pretty consistently.

Question for you ... and others? Do you find that your "regular" karaoke singers are "drinkers"? We can always draw massive groups of singers... but many aren't "drinkers"... which, as I am sure you can understand, doesn't pay the bills for the clubs or us, for that matter. Do you run into that issue at all? What do you? We've been thinking of instituting a "you must have a beverage in front of you" policy if you want to sing... but sorta feel that is a bit pushy? What's your feeling on this?

Take Care, Cindy

Author:  timberlea [ Mon Dec 27, 2004 1:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

We have basically no smoking in the bars (there are smoking "cages" enclosed ventilated areawhich can only take 25% of the square footage of the bar but only for 8 years then complete nonsmoking). An interesting statistic is that since these changes have come in the sale of draught is down by 20%. Coincidence?

Author:  karaokemeister [ Mon Dec 27, 2004 2:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shotgun CC wrote:
<snip>Question for you ... and others? Do you find that your "regular" karaoke singers are "drinkers"? We can always draw massive groups of singers... but many aren't "drinkers"... which, as I am sure you can understand, doesn't pay the bills for the clubs or us, for that matter. Do you run into that issue at all? What do you? We've been thinking of instituting a "you must have a beverage in front of you" policy if you want to sing... but sorta feel that is a bit pushy? What's your feeling on this?

Take Care, Cindy

Q1. Are regular karaoke singers drinkers?
A1. That depends on the venue. My main summer venue busses in most of the patrons so they don't drive. Because of that most tend to drink far more than those that drive to the bar. I have played other venues where the 'regulars' aren't power drinkers but have one or two over the course of the night.

Q2. The regulars aren't drinking and it's a problem for the bar owner because the people you're drawing aren't drinking and it's becoming an issue. How to handle?
A2. Depending on the state you may be able to enforce a '2 drink minimum' (we can't in Alaska) like you see at some clubs, but that's grossly unfair for those that want to sing but don't drink. Perhaps adding non-alcoholic drinks and/or food to the venue can help to offset the lack of drinks. Another possibility is a small cover charge - $1 or $2 which gets them a coupon for that amount off the price of a drink. If they don't drink you get the cover charge, if they do drink you make the money that way.

Q3. We're thinking of the 'must have a drink in front of you' rule. Thoughts?
A3. Some states wouldn't allow that based on the liquor laws. It would also draw unwanted attention about you 'forcing' people to drink if they want to sing. There are ways around it - 'borrowing' a friends drink to sing, etc. but why go through all that hassle? What if I've already had a couple beers and knowing I have to drive home stop drinking? Do I have to stop singing? What if I was 'forced' to buy a beer to sing and then got in an accident on the way home? Are you liable for that accident?

All in all, see if you can find other ways to increase revenue outside of the 'forcing' them to have a drink. A cover charge/coupon idea would likely be the best option. They don't feel cheated out of the 'cover charge' if you give them coupons in return. Another thing a bar does here in Alaska is they have 'wooden nickels' that are good for a free drink. Charge a $5 cover and give them a 'wooden nickel' good for a draft or well drink.

Keep in mind that Alaska has the strictest liqour laws of any state so what applies here may not apply there. Check the liqour laws before you do anything, and perhaps a lawyer to see if it would impact the potential liability for the establishment or for you as the 'entertainment'.

You said that the sales of draught are down by 20% but how about the rest of the drinks? Are all drink sales down or just the draught? Is attendance the same or is it down as well?

Just some thoughts....

Author:  timberlea [ Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Around here all bars are down regardless of the entertainment and one of the bigger places close it's doors in a couple of days.

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

snip .... What if I've already had a couple beers and knowing I have to drive home stop drinking? Do I have to stop singing? What if I was 'forced' to buy a beer to sing and then got in an accident on the way home? Are you liable for that accident?

Oh my gosh... I wasn't suggesting that they "drink" as in "alcohol"... I THINK the word I used was "beverage". We have singers who will sit for the entire 5 hr. show and not have a thing to drink..... not even a soda or a water--->which they would have to buy.... (yes, buy). We have thought about the coupon suggestion and really like it...but again it becomes an issue of staffing.... who takes the money, who gives the coupon... the "entertainment" ...or the "club"? Regardless... its additional staff that would have to be at the door all night. Still though... I do like that idea best.

We currently have a video screen that displays various "karaoke tips" ... and promos... and we do have a screen that says... Help keep your karaoke show at this venue...please purchase a beverage or a munchie during your time here." .... So far, thats all we've done.

Thanks for lots of good ideas, karaokemeister! Much appreciated.

Take Care, Cindy

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shotgun CC wrote:
Question for you ... and others? Do you find that your "regular" karaoke singers are "drinkers"? We can always draw massive groups of singers... but many aren't "drinkers"... which, as I am sure you can understand, doesn't pay the bills for the clubs or us, for that matter. Do you run into that issue at all? What do you? We've been thinking of instituting a "you must have a beverage in front of you" policy if you want to sing... but sorta feel that is a bit pushy? What's your feeling on this?
Take Care, Cindy[/color]

We get our share of drinkers. Many of the "serious" singers don't drink as much but it isn't about drinking - it's about how much they spend. If they are spending money on sodas (which BTW is the biggest profit in a bar), then there isn't any problem. Now if a bar is not charging for every drink - be it water, coffe, soda, etc, then it is their fault, they need to be charging for every drink & refill - i've been to many that charge minimal cost for 1 soda & refill it all night.
You don't want to force people to drink, you just want to coax them to spend something. I know of a company that sells bottled water with home made labels on them that insinuates that their customers are "cheap" because they aren't drinking a "REAL" drink. That is a load of crap to me. Some people do not drink alcohol. I have an AA group that comes in twice a week - yes to a bar. They do not drink anything alcoholic, but they do drink Red Bull all night (kind of an opposite buzz) to the point that the club needs to double stock every week from what they used to.
There are also some places that do a mandatory $5 cover, but in return they get a voucher good for that amount in food or drink of whatever. If they only drink water all night - so be it, they already paid to get in.

Author:  KKid [ Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

I spend quite a bit when I sing. My wife drinks coffe and pepsi on ice. In drink Aftershock, which not inexpesive. Oh and yes I drink a little heavy too.

Some of our friens drink only soda. One bar tried charging for water, but the response was very negitive.

I also want to point out , that in the bars we sing there is also a lot of nonsingers in attendence. They spend money as well. Some of which come to hear their favorite singers.

Author:  ptzappa [ Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Here, in clayton north carolina we have a smoke free bar that starts karaoke @ 8:00pm every thursday night. The name of the bar is called THE FLIPSIDE OWNED BY JODI SAGER AND CLIFF MORGAN. If your around the area visiting or live around here stop by and sing one or two or three, we would love to have you. mention this site to kj "philbert "t" and get a free drink of your choice.

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:18 am ]
Post subject: 

KKid said:
1..Some of our friens drink only soda. One bar tried charging for water, but the response was very negitive.

2. I also want to point out , that in the bars we sing there is also a lot of nonsingers in attendence. They spend money as well. Some of which come to hear their favorite singers.

1. Drinking soda is fine! As long as they are contributing in some way... that's all we should ask. However, I SUPPORT charging for water, because in some cases, its the only "drink" a person will have all night.. and again... I feel if a person is enjoying LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ... they should contribute in "some" way.

Sounds like you and wife do a great job supporting the club and the show you attend!

2. Yes, many non-singers do attend shows... I am aware of this. And, yes, I know they make purchases (usually more than the singers themselves)... however, in OUR experience... the "crowd" is mainly singers, and somehow we HAVE to encourage them to make a PURCHASE of some sort. I wouldn't think of going out for a night to a club or anywhere else for that matter, and not PLANNING on spending a few bucks. Clubs and Entertainment can't be self supportive, they need the support of the patrons, to keep K shows or whatever going.... and their doors open.

I am aware that DWI laws are everywhere and they are tough (very tough in some state, NY included).... and I wouldn't dream of encouraging "alcohol consumption"... but I thinks its ABSOLUTELY fine to expect that folks buy a water, soda and/or maybe a munchie, Don't you?

Author:  karaokemeister [ Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, it is fine to help drive up revenue.

BTW, in regards to the who would pay for the person at the door - the bar. They would use the normal doorman that would be checking id's to collect the cover charge and hand out the coupons. If they don't have a doorman they could use a bouncer to man the door. They could even hire someone on at minimum wage to watch the door. The only cost would be for a stamp of some kind (in case someone went out to the car they could return without paying for reentry), the coupons, and the wage of the door person. If you're drawing in 100 people a night it would easily pay for itself.

Author:  KKid [ Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

As for DWI or DUI, depending where you come from......one local KJ suggest that you drive home as fast as you can without your lights on then DWI stands for driving while invisable.....try an explain that one to the officer.....

Author:  ALGAE [ Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:16 am ]
Post subject: 

On long Island New York , our clubs are smoke free.. Its the best thing that could have happened. People who couldnt stand going into the clubs because of smoke and danger to there health are comming in and spending money. AT one club that we often go to there is a 5.00 cover charge to get in and they give you a raffel ticket to win a small prize. The place is packed every Thursday. You want to smoke that bad go outside

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Algae.....Welcome!

I am aware that many have similar feelings to yours about the no- smoking laws in NY. But... what you must realize, is that CLUB owners and those of us who rely on those clubs for employment have been hurt very badly by those laws. In some cases, some clubs are reporting larger crowds..(or crowds of different patrons??) but in most, yes most, that is NOT the case. I am in UPSTATE NY... pretty much on the border of Canada....(where smoking is allowed and is less than a half hour drive). In this area in particular, because of those two issues, it has hurt some businesses to the point that they LOST their businesses (and us gigs).

In my opinion... it should be at the discretion of the CLUB as to whether they are a smoking or non-smoking venue. If a its smoking club, singers will know this.... and vice versa. Let people make decisions for themselves.. as to what is allowed in their CLUBS and where they wish to go to sing or socialize. We STILL live in a democracy....or so we are told.

Trust me, laws such as these have hurt many many business owners. Even the one Non-smoking club here lost business when the law was put in effect... because they lost their uniqueness. While the law may have made non-smokers happy...its had a VERY negative effect on commerce in this area, and according to NY State stats in almost all counties.

Personally, I don't care if smoking is allowed or not.... but many now have house parties rather than dealing with standing outside in subzero weather conditions, and the effect on business owners has been bad to disasterous pretty much state wide. Having read the whole thread here, It seems that it is or will be a negative in most all states.

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